
Good News...There Is No Recession!

Posted by: Pamela Wynn    Posted on: January 18, 2008

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We all live in abundance. It is every where! All around us, each and every day. Therefore, it is virtually impossible for us to ever be in a recession. I love our universe, along with all humanity. This includes loving our government. However, I do believe it is the government who causes anyone to think we are in, or approaching a recession. Maybe not purposely, but by making such remarks to the media certainly does not help matters any. For now, it turns into a media frenzy.

The media will always escalate the truth in order to gain attention. It is their job to create a buzz, which makes people talk about such news. Thus giving more thought to it. This is where we need to beware; for if we do that, we can very well create such a disaster.

According to the "Law of Attraction" our thoughts are powerful magnets which attract to us everything we think about. The more people who are focused on the same thought and mix it with feelings, the quicker it WILL manifest. This has been scientifically proven.

However, on the other hand, we could use this to our advantage. All we have to do is know and believe we live in abundance, which we do; and be grateful for it. Show your gratitude for all that you already have and you will just create more of it. I say we all donate five or ten dollars to our favorite charity this week. Whatever amount you are comfortable with, it will only come back to you anyway. Yes, that is another law of the universe.

We can all live the life we always dreamed of just by choosing our thoughts more carefully. Ignore any news that is not beneficial or good to hear. Simply turn it off, then you won't have to worry about if you gave thought to it or not. Stay focused on all the good you have in your life right now and create more of it. This way, the power in numbers would only help our economics and the future would remain bright for everyone!

About the Author

Pamela has been diligently making improvements in all areas of her life for over two years now. She has read several self improvement books, and she continues to make new discoveries and improvements each day. Her website offers reviews on products and services she finds useful.

Source: Social Issues Articles on

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