Parents Help To Children In Bad Times
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African Burial Ground
Recently I visited the African Burial Ground with my classmates. My teacher and one other lady toured us around. We were first shown artwork that was put into the building as a remembrance to the ancestors. Some of the artwork we seen was Unearthed by Frank Bender, The New Ring Shout by Houston Conwill (Sculptor), Renewal by Tomie Arai, Africa Rising by Barbara Chase-Riboud, and America Song by Clyde Lynds.
Black Wealth vs White Wealth
The United States is a country where you have freedom, education, and the chance to accomplish your dreams. Unfortunately, there is always a matter of social class that divides many people and creates racial inequality in wealth. Why is it that a white person will more likely get hired than a black person Why is it that Latinos and blacks are seen as the minority in the country the minority is viewed in such a way that they might as well be considered second-class citizens.
Nice Girls Get Dumped - So be a little bit Bad
Nice Girls Get Dumped So Be a Little Bit Bad Just like every other time I've written an article or an essay, this time is no different. I'm sitting here, trying to put words on the paper and taking it all way too seriously. When I do this I know I am trying too hard and when I try too hard, I inevitably screw things up.
Who Should Pay on Dates
Who Should Pay on Dates By Janelle Coulton - Website Url: Contrary to what some men and women believe and given that society has changed. According to my research, most people think that the gentleman should pay.
Wedding Guest Accommodations
Six to nine months before the wedding, send Save the Date cards to guests who will need to make travel arrangements. Include as much information as possible so they are able to make plans. Let out of town guests know about area attractions and locations of points of interest. Maps, guide books and directions are helpful for those unfamiliar with the area.
The Appearance of Disability - What Does Disability Look Like, After All
I found a remark on a blog recently and the remark basically said this (I'm paraphrasing): "I'm tired of people who aren't disabled but try to get benefits from the government". I guess it goes without saying that, today, we live in a fairly judgmental climate. And regarding individuals with disabilities, perhaps it has always been that way.
Is Your Doctor A Corporate Alien
Sooner or later we all have to deal with the Medical Establishment. The right doctor can genuinely help us, if he can properly diagnose and treat our illness. These days, many professionals can't be trusted. They might have a hidden agenda that is drastically different from the Hippocratic oath. It's up to us to learn as much as we can about our ailments to make sure we're getting the proper treatment.
Shocking things happen, and it's unavoidable that our children are exposed to them; sometimes they occur in our communities, in the form of natural disasters like floods or fires, or man-made crises like car or plane accidents, or violent episodes like shootings or bombings. More frequently, though, the mass media bring graphic and immediate news of major national calamities such as the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the bombings in Oklahoma City and Atlanta's Centennial Park, or the crash of TWA Flight 800, into the homes of people across the country. In reality, these days it's becoming more and more difficult to prevent children from experiencing such disasters through the media. While exposing to catastrophes, children often display fears and anxieties.
As these are normal; however, without proper assurance, the impact of events like these can remain with children throughout their lives. Through the right support and guidance, even very young children can become resilient enough to weather the most traumatic disaster, and grow stronger from the experience. Kids who experience a disaster, or see news of it on television, may react with shock and their sense of security may be shattered. Children may be reluctant to stay alone or go out of the house, may express fears of the dark or going to sleep, or may report nightmares or symptoms of illness. Parents must express their love for children more than usual, both verbally and physically, raising the level of affection and warmth in the home will help children feel calm.
Try to maintain normal routines, to help children's sense of stability also be available to children when they need to talk about the disaster. Do read stories with children about disasters and how people deal with them, discuss the kinds of emotional reactions people have to disasters, explaining that it's OK to feel afraid or angry. Also tell children about the people--police, firefighters, emergency rescue teams--who bring disasters under control, and explain how they are always there to help last but not the least develop and discuss home safety and emergency procedures. Adolescent people who have witnessed or experienced a disaster may feel victimized, vulnerable, depressed, or distrustful. Numerous may lack the inner strength to deal with those feelings; they may come to believe that the world is evil, and that they are helpless to respond to that evil. A few even perceive disasters as a kind of punishment for their own "bad" behavior or thoughts. Put experiences into words gives children a sense of more control, explain to them that disasters are real. Do talk about past disasters they may or may not have been aware of, such as those mentioned above. Try to explain why they happened and what (if anything) can be done to prevent similar things from happening again.
About the Author
Jennifer Fairbanks is a community supporter and researcher in violence against women along with her side business family violence prevention fund.
Source: Social Issues Articles on
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Parents Help To Children In Bad Times
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