Prevent Theft With An Acrylic Donation Box
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Have you ever seen those little clear plastic donation boxes at stores and restaurants Well, they are perfect for any type of donation collection, whether it is for a charity, service club or simply a school fundraiser. There are many features that make them the most desirable type of donation boxes to get for your charity or school. They are lightweight and easy to transport and their glossy surface makes them look like glass but clean even better. Because they are clear and glossy, they blend in with any décor and don't distract from anything else that is going on in the room. Store owners will prefer these to other traditional donation boxes and are more willing to have them put in their establishment. Many of them have a sign holder that makes it easy to advertise your cause and brings in many more donations than simply leaving a box at a till. Another great feature is the fact that it is shatterproof which makes it safe to leave anywhere, including where kids will be running around.
One of the best features about it, however, is how it prevents theft of your donations. Unfortunately, we live in a world where many people are out for themselves even if it means that they take from others who are less fortunate. There are always and probably always will be people who take from donation boxes and keep it for themselves. No one wants their donations to go to those who don't deserve it. We put up the donation boxes for a reason and it is quite disheartening to find out that everything you earned is suddenly gone. The acrylic donations box help prevent this from happening in several different ways.
First, they are in fact shatterproof. This means that the easy smash and dash way of getting donation money is out of the question. The boxes are strong and well-built so that you can only get into them if have the key or if you have a blow torch which is not exactly the quickest and quietest way of doing things. Many times, the thief will try and smash the acrylic donation box only to find that it bounces off the floor and lies there perfectly in tact. This usually deters them and makes them find a different place to vandalize and steal from.
If you don't have it nailed down, however, they may just take it with them and open it at their leisure at a later date when they have the proper tools and the time. One good way to prevent this is to chain it to something sturdy on the counter such as the cash register or even the counter itself. Many of the acrylic donation boxes come with something that you can attach a chain to, whether it is an acrylic loop on the back of the box or just two small holes in the back of the box to slip a chain through. Just make sure that you use a sturdy chain such as a bicycle chain or a strong cable.
It doesn't matter what you are raising funds for, you want to keep the funds that you do raise for the cause that you set out to help. Acrylic donation boxes will help you do just that.
About the Author
Raising money for charity is honorable work, but in today's uncertain society there are some unsavory people who would steal from charity. The best way to prevent this is to utilize an acrylic donation box.
Source: Social Issues Articles on
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