Problems Of The Third World
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Valentine's Day On Your Own
Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Twist Ten years ago if you had asked someone what Valentine's meant to them they would probably tell you that it was really no big deal. It might have been important for a florist who has a promotion or a local restaurant that offers roses with its dinner but there was never a big deal about it and never too much money, time and effort that was spent on it.
Conferinta Nationala Antidrog la Cluj
Agentia Nationala Antidrog (ANA), Centrul de Prevenire, Evaluare si Consiliere Antidrog (CPECA) Cluj, impreuna cu Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca si Asociatia Femeilor de Afaceri Cluj organizeaza cea de-a III-a editie a Conferintei Nationale Antidrog, „Impactul integrarii Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana din perspectiva reducerii cererii si ofertei de droguri ilicite.
Jan. 21 Marks National King Day of Service
Today, as we celebrate the birthday of the great Martin Luther King Jr., we're reminded of Dr. King's walk-his-talk message of service. Since President Bill Clinton signed the King Holiday and Service Act on Aug. 23, 1994, King Day of Service has been a nationwide effort to transform the federal holiday honoring Rev.
Martin Luther King Day
Each year on the third Monday of January, America honours the birth, life and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is a day for all Americans to remember the injustices that Dr. King fought. Dr. King was an American clergyman and civil-rights leader. In 1954, He became minister of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
Making your Ex Lover Jealous
This is one break-up mistake that many of us make and there have been a few relationship experts out there who have encouraged us to do this. Get a new lover and flaunt your new love in your ex's face and he or she will come running back to you. I don't think so. Firstly, you are essentially using the other person to make your ex jealous and if they have half a brain, they will realize this and dump you like a hot potato.
Good News...There Is No Recession!
We all live in abundance. It is every where! All around us, each and every day. Therefore, it is virtually impossible for us to ever be in a recession. I love our universe, along with all humanity. This includes loving our government. However, I do believe it is the government who causes anyone to think we are in, or approaching a recession.
Disposable Lab Coats: Getting The Real Mccoy
When it comes to having the appropriate safety gear, you probably understand the importance of having what is right for specific situations and conditions. That is why there are disposable lab coats that allow you to stay safe and sanitary in adverse conditions as well as sterile environments where the extra precautions must be taken to insure safety for a patient, electronics, or chemicals.
The second world war ended with a new geographical mapping of the world.USA and USSR emerged as the two super powers and they both try to maintain their circle of influence.Many countries of latin America,Africa and Asia form the third world. The biggest problem of these countries are population,literacy rate,poverty and inflation.Most of these countries are over populated.A large percentage of their populaton live below the poverty line.Most of the third world countries are agricultural.But productivity on land is very low.Industrial growth is very slow.In science and technology they are backword.Their imports are more then exports.Their per capita is very low as compared to developed countries. Underdevelopment makes an unmistakable mark on the state of social organisationin a third world.Poverty,ignorance and diseases walk hand in hand wih the people.Thier percentage of literacy is very low.Poor health and hygiene,lack of transport facilities are other problems. Political non-stability is another important problem of third world countries.Common man is not aware of his rights.The rulling class is not interested in the wel-fare of the people.They work as an agent of the western countries.Corruption is rampant,no one obays law and order. Unemployment rate is growing day by day which is causing many problems for the governments of these countries.Inspite of best efforts by the investors and the government,it is generally impossible to achieve full level of employment under the present economic and social conditions. Inflation is rising head in these countries.As a result of rising inflation, the economic information required for intellegent decision making,is also muddled and lost,and investment and fundamental research all suffer,diminoshing a society's capital to renew it self. It is time that countries of the third world must act sensibly.A high degree of planning is required to make full use of thier avaliable resources.The rulling class must realise their responsibilities and think about the people and country.
About the Author
I am a student of Karachi university this is my first article ever.
Source: Social Issues Articles on
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