Romance & Rose Petals: 10 Creative Ways to Use Them
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If you are looking to create a special ambiance, start the path to seduction or just bring a smile of delight to your sweetheart's face One sure-fire way is with deliciously scented, silky rose petals. You can pick up rose petals from your local florist shop or order prepackaged petals online. The prepackaged ones usually come with some other sensual items, like tea light candles, which can add nicely to the ambiance.
Of course the rose petals should be lusciously scented. Most will be, but if they are not as pungent as you would like, pick up a rose scented mist from your local bath shop or pharmacy.
Make sure you purchase at least a few dozen so your rose petal surprise doesn't look skimpy. Of course, if you're making a trail down a hallway or up stairs, buy a few dozen more. Most of the time, eight or nine dozen will not cost more than ten or fifteen dollars - a very inexpensive, romantic treat.
Don't feel that you always have to go with red petals, sometimes a pink, peach or even white can be a wonderful surprise. Take note of what you are putting them on and go with the color that will stand out the most, capturing your love's immediate attention.
* Fill a pretty basket full with the aromatic petals. You need to know when your sweetheart will be coming in, listening closely for that key in the lock. Be positioned so that when they open the door, you are in position to immediately begin dropping rose petals at their feet as they step inside. You will continue to step back as you shower their every step with petals, as the king or queen that they are (remember Eddie Murphy in Coming to America As a prince, he couldn't walk a single step without rose petals leading the way!)
* Run a warm bath for your love, complete with romantic music and candles. Finish this glorious setting by sprinkling beautiful rose petals in the bathtub. They will be gently floating on top when your sweetie steps in to luxuriate.
* Take your rose petals and sprinkle them from your entrance door, down the hallway (or up the stairs) to the foot of your bed. Now there's a silent invitation that your love will relish when they come home.
* A short while before you know that your sweetheart will climb into bed, take a few handfuls of silky petals, pull back the sheets and toss them lavishly into the bed. Put the covers back, making the bed up to look as usual. What a sweet surprise when your darling pulls the covers back to slide into bed!
* Put a dozen rose petals on the pull shade in your sweetheart's car. When they pull the shade down to protect themselves from the sun or pull out an item kept there, they will be showered with the soft, silky petals.
* The next time you serve your sweetheart breakfast in bed, make sure you've decorated the tray, surrounding all the delectable edibles with some pretty rose petals.
* The next time you go on a picnic, along with the wine, cheese & grapes, take along some beautifully scented petals to spread on your throw. There will be nothing better than laying in your bed of roses as an alluring end to your day in the park.
* The next time you give your sweetheart a massage, add rose petals for a luxurious, aromatic ambiance. Depending on the surface, you can place bunches of petals in shallow bowls or baskets around the massage area, or simply spread them all over the surface.
* When your sweetheart is in the shower, take an opportunity to toss petals all over them. Reach over the shower rod or stall to toss the petals, instead of pulling back the curtain or door.
* Take the current book or magazine that your love is reading, open it up to the bookmark and place the rose petals inside. What a delightful surprise when they sit down to relax with their book and the petals tumble into their lap. Make sure your love will not be opening the book/magazine on public transportation
You can create many special moments, enticing, enchanting, seductive moments. Using rose petals can bring an element of surprise that will be appreciated by your loved one. Use these suggestions as your "expressions of love" to and create many joyous moments together.
About the Author
Bring play and passion into your relationship. Be creative and adventurous as you romance your sweetheart. Check out some rose petal collections, as well as some great romantic products at
Source: Social Issues Articles on
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