Shielding Kids From Criminals
More Social Issues Articles
The First Salvo in a New Class War
The initially-botched Katrina rescue and relief effort has become an excuse for creating a cause celebre out of the notion that the wealthy and middle class in this country apologize to the poor. Left-wing demagogues seized it a as chance to unduly bash President Bush and to chide those of us who have had some success in life.
The Aussie Picnic
Australia's climate is just made for picnics. At the height of summer, find a place in the shade near water; in winter, find a sunny spot away from the wind, and the rest of the year, move about until you are comfortable. There is no better way of relaxing than getting out of doors with a picnic basket, bottle of wine and rug.
Gift Giving Australia
Gift Baskets and Gift Hampers - Beautiful Gift Baskets Australia Giving gifts is about the thrill the person receiving them gets, as well as the pleasure of getting it right. While December is the biggest gift-giving month of the year around the world, there are endless reasons to give gifts throughout the year: personal gifts for birthdays, weddings, graduations, and holidays, as well as business gifts to say thank you for a job well done, congratulations on a promotion, or I'm sorry for not performing as expected.
George Bush - Cry the Beloved Planet
The late Alan Paton's book Cry the Beloved Country narrowly preceded Apartheid South Africa but its lesson is that suffering may lead to an epiphany of sorts. Paton, along with the Wise Ones of the Universe must be mourning the present state of global anarchy and cruelty - and our continued and inexplicable inability to learn from it.
No Mad Cow, We`re Japanese
No Mad Cow, We're Japanese! How the "Us" & "Them" Mentality of Japan endangers Japan & The World We all perceive the world in different ways and nations seem to have a national view as well. In Japan, as symbolized by the word "gaijin," we have an Us and Them mentality. If you are not one of Us, you are one of Them and labelled as a "gaijin.
The Essential, Indispensable Appendage - The Phone
It's like an appendage, almost. Men don't leave home without their cell phones the way women have never left without their purses. Remember when you used to say, "If that phone rings one more time, I'm going to scream," while rising once again from the dinner table to pick up the extension in the kitchen.
Choose To Be A Volunteer
One of the oldest adages known to mankind is from both the Golden Rule and the Christian Bible: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "It is better to give than receive." In today's society, those sentiments all too often get shoved aside to pave the way for personal ambition, financial success, instant gratification, and other very self rewarding behaviors we've learned.
Criminal activity and gang violence have become serious problems in urban areas and are rapidly spreading into suburban and rural communities as well. The gang members often engage in vandalism, theft, assault, and the sale of drugs in schools as well as in the community, as a result, many schools have become centers of violence and fear rather than safe centers for learning. Kids and youth join gangs for a variety of reasons: the need to belong, low self-esteem, peer pressure, boredom, academic failure, and lack of employment. Studies report that gang members are as young as 9 and as old as 30, and males outnumber females by 20-to-1. Though ominous the threat of gangs may seem, parents can prevent their children from joining, the support and nurturance children receive at home enable them to make good decisions and to find alternatives to gang involvement.
Try to safe guard your child from gangs by spending time with each of your children every day, show affection and make them feel special and important. Always contact your local police department to find out if any gangs are active in your community. Kids are attracted to gangs by their offer of friendship and support, start teaching your children early--from age 4 or 5--that gangs are dangerous and do not provide positive support or positive role models. Educate your children what to do if gang members approach them. And know your children's friends and families and your children's whereabouts at all times, set definite curfews for your children. Kids with a history of academic failure are at high risk for gang membership, if your child has learning difficulties, work together with his or her teachers. Do seek help from tutors and guidance counselors; help your child with his or her homework.
Always be on the lookout for signs of possible gang involvement: change in a child's friends, change in dress habits such as wearing the same color combination all the time, secrecy about activities, flashing hand signs, having income from unknown resources, having symptoms of alcohol and other drug use, and having a diminished interest in the family and school. And if you notice these signs, contact your school principal or guidance counselor, juvenile justice workers, or law enforcement personnel. Try to keep your children active in sports, clubs, and volunteer work, and family and community activities. Do have your children set aside quiet time for reflection to allow them to sort out their feelings. And if prayer is part of your family's religious tradition, you might encourage your children to pray when they need strength. Simple way for kids to feel confident and in control is for them to express compassion and provide help for the victims of disaster. Children can be transformed from victim into helper by writing letters to survivors or contributing to relief funds
About the Author
Jennifer Fairbanks is a community supporter and researcher in violence against women along with her side business family violence prevention fund.
Source: Social Issues Articles on
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