
The Truth About Interracial Dating

Posted by: John Michael Anderson    Posted on: May 6, 2006

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Interracial dating is defined as a romantic couple who are of different races. The controversy that encompasses interracial dating is nothing new. In fact, it has been a longstanding issue for many centuries and one that still exists today. The majority of opposition has resulted in racial concerns and ideals of how a couple should be.

Individuals who are involved in an interracial dating relationship must prepare themselves for the potential conflicts that they face, but must remain true to their individual feelings. Interracial dating is centered around individuals of different races and/or nationalities. This may include skin color, country or ethnicity.

During the past 30 years, interracial marriages have been documented as being on the rise in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of interracial marriages jumped from 0.7% in 1970 to 2.2% in 1992. According to a 2001 New York Times study, the approval rating has steadily climbed as well. In 1972, only 29% of Americans approved of interracial marriages. In 2001, however, that number more than doubled with an approval rating of 65% relating to interracial marriages.

According to these studies, interracial dating and relationships are becoming more widely accepted. However, this does not mean that couples will not continue to face the occasional difficulty. When faced with opposition, individuals in any type of relationship need to continue living their life in the best way that they see fit and refrain from seeking the approval of strangers or acquaintances.

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