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Using 4 Steps To Win A Girl Back

by Teecee Go    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Perhaps you are still reeling from your breakup and you are but trying to find out how to win a girl back. Well, it might take more than four steps but at least you get an idea of where to start. For one, you should not start drinking to oblivion as this will not deal with your problem.

Quick Tips For Fun And Safe Internet Dating

by Richard T. Kessinger    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Even though online dating is one of the safest ways to meet people, there are some rules you should follow such as: always wait two weeks or more before giving out your telephone number, talk on the phone before meeting in person, meet only in public places when first meeting, beware of tricks and date rape drugs if drinking alcohol, be honest and careful with personal information you share, and don't say something about yourself that's not true.


by Damien Drake    Posted on: March 12, 2008
Men now have the resources needed to learn how to attract and manage women, even without them ever knowing it. Women every where will eventually be shuttering at the announcement of any news coming from whydoeshegetthegirl.

Top Conversation Starters

by Mikel Ross    Posted on: March 12, 2008
One of the hardest things to do is to walk up to a total stranger and strike up a conversation. Something even harder than this is to walk up to that beautiful, attractive girl that you happen to notice every time you see her at the local coffee shop and find something to say.

Flirting Online

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 12, 2008
Flirting is an art; it can be worked on, polished and perfected. When flirting offline, we will usually say something complimentary. But online, even if there is a picture posted, it is still hard to determine exact eye color, hair color, complexion quality, etc.

There Is Love Online

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 12, 2008
Why is that so hard to believe There is love everywhere! Love can be found everywhere...There is love online...IF we know how to find it! It is not easy to find love online...if it was, the online dating sites would be out of business.

Making Online Love Work

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 12, 2008
We all know making love "work" in any type of medium is difficult but certainly not impossible. Making online love work is slightly challenging. Once you have narrowed your "selection" down to one person, be willing to honestly give the relationship all of the effort it requires.

Is It Online Love

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 12, 2008
Is it online love That is a difficult question...only the two hearts that are involved knows the true answer. One of the main issues I find is that most singles are so desperate for love that they label any unidentified emotion as "love".

How To Stay On His Mind

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 12, 2008
You have established a fairly strong relationship online. But, there are thousands of miles between you, and to top it off there is a three hour time difference! You find yourself frustrated most of the time.

How To Know He's Not The One

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 12, 2008
We are so busy looking for "The One"! Sometimes it might be easier to determine who's "Not The One". I promise will run into more "Not The One's"! Eventually, you will get very good at this! He's Not The One.
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