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Easter Baskets - Make An Easter Date Supremely Sweet

by Randy Gardner - "Romeo"    Posted on: March 8, 2008
Easter might not be known as a major dating holiday, but the truth is with a little effort it can become so. Since your sweetheart is not likely to expect anything spectacular on Easter, this makes it the perfect holiday to really dazzle.
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"I Love You" - How To Say It In Romanian

by Peter Finch    Posted on: March 7, 2008
"I love you" translates into "Te iubesc" in Romanian. In fact, these are the words every Romanian girl yearns to hear from their sweetheart, ever since she hears them being said in a movie, or read about it in a book.
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Give her a full-body massage and ask her if she wants a wrestle - seduction tips...

by Felix L Rodriguez    Posted on: March 7, 2008
41 ways to melt a woman`s heart Then you`re on your own By Tera Patrick 1. Ask her to dance. 2. On windy days, brush wayward strands of hair from her eyes and mouth. 3. When she's coming down the street, across the room, or up the stairs to meet you, walk towards her as soon as you see her.
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20 Low-cost Romantic Date Ideas

by Kristin Marquet    Posted on: March 7, 2008
When we first start dating someone, it can be exciting and adventurous. Yet, there are times that money is low. Without the funds, a date can get boring. In this article, you will get some new ideas for dates.
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Silpada Jewelry - What Women Love to Wear

by David Frank    Posted on: March 7, 2008
That special occasion is just around the corner. What should I get her? It can't be more perfume, or clothes, or tickets to the big game. No, it's got to be something special. Yep, it's got to be jewelry! But now the pressure is really on.
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Who To Avoid Online?

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 7, 2008
Those of us that have been dating awhile can usually spot a loser within 60 seconds or less. But, our skills may not be as equally sharp online. That is why we have to be extra cautious. Most of us have some “hidden secrets” neatly tucked away in one of our back pockets.
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What Not To Tell Your Online Love

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 7, 2008
We all have been taught, “honesty is the best policy”. That is true, to a certain degree. When it comes to online dating, some things are better left least in the early stages of the “relationship”.
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Tips To Flirting Online

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 7, 2008
When flirting offline you can time it’ve learned the proper “flirting” body language and eye contact. Online...? You are at a slight disadvantage. Flirting online has its pro’s and con’s.
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Online Dating Tricks

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 7, 2008
Oh yes...when it comes to online dating, it is possible to get tricked from so many different directions. First, there are literally tens of thousands of single dating sites fighting for your membership.
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What Are The Online Dating Questions You Must Ask?

by Vivian Johnson    Posted on: March 7, 2008
Some things are better left unsaid. However, some questions need to go to the top of the list. Here are the online dating questions you must ask: What is your current relationship status? (When that question is answered, it is time for you to decide whether or not you can deal with the answer.
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