
Domain Names Articles

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Domains - Eight reasons to love generic keyword domains

by Smash Masterson    Posted on: July 18, 2008
More than 15 years after the Internet began, I still hear marketing people say domains don’t really matter. Just write some great content, get some inbound links, start a blog, and throw up a video or two, and Google will send you all the traffic you need.

Domain Name Registration - Investments That Mean Benefits(Part 2)

by Smash Masterson    Posted on: July 17, 2008
We can logically see that people always type in the words of what they are looking for like cell phones in this case but you can bet they will type in repeatedly and it's a great way of reducing advertising costs for this domain name type.
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Domain Investing - Investments That Pay Dividends (Part 2)

by Smash Masterson    Posted on: July 16, 2008
It is pretty plain to see exactly what somebody wants by want they have typed out on the keyboard: There are so many people that search for cell phones who will actually type in time after time so these guys can save loads in advertising costs.
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Domain names - Investments That Pay Dividends (Part 2)

by Smash Masterson    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Obviously, you know what they are looking for based on the keyword they are typing: Cell Phones and cell phone information. And listen up bucko, those visitors will type in day in and day out, whether you advertise the site or not, just so long as you pay the $10/year registration fee.
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Domain Name Registration - Investments That Mean Benefits(Part 1)

by Smash Masterson    Posted on: July 14, 2008
Domain names have never really been the most sought after investments and that goes for Marketers too. Domain investing has never really been properly understood and the outlying factor that seems to turn people away is the understanding that accidental traffic will be the only visits the site gets, meaning that you can't really expect to make much in the way of profit.
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Global Domain International Inc.

by Tara J. Brooks    Posted on: July 13, 2008
Wouldn't you be Happy with staying at home or going on Lavish Vacations. Well GDI(Global Domain International) is the place to work. The best part about it; it's ABSOLUTELY FREE.Watch my movie and it will LITERALLY talk DIRECTLY to YOU.
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Domain Investing - Investments That Pay Dividends (Part 1)

by Smash Masterson    Posted on: July 12, 2008
Domain investing has never been a great favorite not even amongst the most experienced marketers. There are various theories to just what domain investing is, but basically they all point at a need for casual traffic which therefore generates a poor return.
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.info Domains

by Justin    Posted on: July 11, 2008
.info domains are a generic TLD (top level domain). The .info stands for .information and they were developed to be used for information websites. The domain is used for many purposes since there is no restriction on its use like .
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Domain names - Investments That Pay Dividends (Part 1)

by Smash Materson    Posted on: July 10, 2008
When people first hear about domain investing, even experienced marketers, they often cringe. Some think it means buying trademark and typo terms to get "accidental" visitors looking for a different site.
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Me Too? the Countdown is Nearly Over

by Mark Boost    Posted on: July 9, 2008
If you haven't heard about the new Top Level Domain .ME, then you might be interested to know that this fantastic new domain will be available for open registration from the 17th July 2008. The launch of the .
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