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Long Layered Hair Styles - How to Find Them Easily

by Ladi Lashkari    Posted on: December 24, 2006
Among different types of hair styles out there, long layered hair styles are one of the most beautiful and popular styles that will give you an elegant look. Whether you have long straight or curly hair, layered hairstyles will transform your looks, because they are more attractive and stylish, and make you look great even when you haven't done anything to your hair.
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Hydrogen Peroxide and baking soda to get rid of bad breath

by Fauzi Said    Posted on: November 24, 2006
As many know the main cause of bad breath is the anaerobic bacteria found primarily on the surface of the tongue. These bacteria excrete a variety of foul-smelling sulfur compound, including hydrogen sulfide (giving the smell of rotten egg) and methyl mercaptan.
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How to Lose Man Boobs

by Jim F.    Posted on: January 10, 2007
Men don't want boobs. At least, not boobs of their own. But you don't need to be told that - if you're reading this, you probably have man boobs and know that they aren't doing anything for you. There are two reasons you could have man boobs.
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Stop Paying for Expensive Treatments to Remove Moles, Warts and Skin Tags

by David Goh    Posted on: February 25, 2007
Many people have tried to remove moles and warts with over-the-counter products, medications, and expensive, painful medical procedures - hoping against hope that they would disappear one day. Unfortunately in most cases, these solutions will not work.
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How To Get Rid Of Pimples Quickly

by Mike Singh    Posted on: March 20, 2007
Pimples are an annoying part of life that usually start appearing in your preteens and teenage years. However, adult acne is also a problem. Pimples are usually a problem because they appear right on your face - the place people usually look first when meeting you.
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How to Clear Away Pimples

by MR Bruno    Posted on: May 23, 2007
Proper skin care is essential if you want to clear away pimples caused by acne. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to wash your face with benzoyl peroxide based products to get rid of bacteria.
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How To Guarantee Success With The Master Cleanser Fast

by Jessica Roop    Posted on: March 11, 2007
If you haven't heard of the Master Cleanser, also known as the Lemonade Diet, it is a ten day cleansing and detoxification program developed by a man named Stanley Burroughs. Through the use of a simple concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, you can rid your body of toxins and rebuild healthy tissue.
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Is Revitol Right for You - Revitol Skin Care Products Review

by Andrew Kryzak    Posted on: April 7, 2007
I am always on the lookout for new and innovative anti aging skin care products. I have personally reviewed dozens of the most sought after anti aging skin care packages in the world and recently had the chance to do a full review of the Revitol product line.
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Beta Carotene and Acne

by Vincent    Posted on: June 6, 2007
Beta Carotene is thought to help reduce and prevent the appearance of acne because it is a form of Vitamin A. It's taken and broken down into Vitamin A in the body on an as needed basis and then stored in the liver which is what allows toxic levels to build in your body.
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Anxiety Attack Symptoms - Knowing About Your Anxiety And Dealing With It

by Nicole S. Ross    Posted on: April 15, 2007
It is a part of life for humans to feel anxiety on occasion. We all have, in some part of our lives, experienced worry, nervousness, fear, and concern. We feel nervous when we have to go for that big job interview, or stand in front of a group of our peers and deliver a speech, or just a simple doctors visit makes some people feel nervous.
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