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Law of Attraction - How to Master it

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 31, 2008
I have often compared applying the law of attraction to loosing weight. The principles are both easy yet they are quite hard for many people to apply. It’s easy to say to anyone who wants to loose weight, “Eat less and move more!” When said like that it seems easy doesn’t it? The reality is that with all goals there are temptations and obstacles; luckily there are techniques to handle and cure them.
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Law of Attraction " Get Very Angry!

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 31, 2008
Are you afraid of your feelings of anger for fear that it is too negative? Are you afraid that your anger will impede your ability to successfully attract the things you desire? Not true at all. Your feelings of anger have its place.
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Saturn Trine Pluto - Moral Values to Extremes - Ready to Die for Our Convictions

by Janet (Sparrow) Moon    Posted on: March 30, 2008
March 23 - May 30, 2008 Pluto is the planet of extremes and powerful transformations, and Saturn is the planet of organization, discipline, ambition, and hard work. The last time this aspect occurred was 1996 - 1997.
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3 Keys to Manifesting Abundance Now

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 28, 2008
If you are poor and unable to manifest more money or greater freedom you can start with these three mediations to increase your manifesting. Every bit of knowledge which expands your present state of awareness should be studied and contemplated.
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Daily Astrology for the Week of March 31, 2008 - General Tendencies for All Sun ...

by Janet (Sparrow) Moon    Posted on: March 28, 2008
Mon 3/31/08 Ready for Something Different We may not feel much like talking this morning, but by mid morning (early morning west coast), we will be ready for something different. We will probably want to be seen for the unique individuals that we are today, and schedules may not work out.
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Dream Propesy and What it Could Mean for YOU

by Joi Sigers    Posted on: March 28, 2008
Do you remember the last dream you had? Were you being chased, looking for something you'd lost, or frustrated with a door that wouldn't open? Was a lost loved one in your dream and did they seem as alive as you are today?! Maybe there were snakes in your dream and you still can't shake the eerie feelings they left you with.
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How I Manifested One Thousand Dollars in Thirty Minutes

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 28, 2008
First let me tell you that I have superseded that amount many times over but this story is one you are sure to love and may resonate with those who are still doubtful of what they can manifest. I am a big believer in the necessity of starting off easy and small as most people have a hard time in believing that they can manifest very large amounts of money.
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How You can Manifest Ten Thousand Dollars in Thirty Days

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 28, 2008
How would you like to manifest ten thousand dollars in thirty days? If you believe that you can then you will, however if you are skeptical that the results will be in your favor then you have already lost.
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Law of Attraction - How to Handle a Recession

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 28, 2008
Someone asked me today, “How can I use the law of attraction to make more money during a recession?” If you are like her and most people for that matter you may continue to allow what’s happening in the world to influence your inner world and your ability to attract.
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Laws of Attraction - Master the Alchemy of Money

by Daniel Hinds    Posted on: March 28, 2008
There are many deep mystical teachings on mastering one’s personal reality to attract what is deeply desired. Money of course will always be one of the number one request, after all money is synonymous with freedom and power.
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