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Who else want to keep the kids entertained?

by Tom Broadbridge    Posted on: March 30, 2008
Children and grownups all over the world are enthralled and captivated by the challenges and exploits of inspiring heroes, children, people, kings that are faithfully brought to life through the power and creativity of animation.
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The Mystical Mystery of The Living Word, The Bible

by Lynette Bowleg    Posted on: March 30, 2008
The Mystical Mystery Of The Living Word The Bible For decades the Bible with its many versions has confounded the minds of its readers. Millions refuse to read it because to them it makes no sense, and to others, it is just to Hard to understand: If I ask you the question: What is the Bible I guess you would probably say like millions of others: It is the word of God and I would agree with you, but I would go further in my explanation to show you that it is more than just the word of God.
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Rune Meanings Rune OS Attract Spritual Powers

by Ragnar Storyteller    Posted on: March 30, 2008
WISDOM OF ODIN AND THE GODS/GODDESSES OF THE NORTH Bring the Wisdom of Odin and the Gods/goddesses of the North into your life today. Learn how! Each individual rune opens a door to the Realms of Creation.
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Ghost in the Woods

by Marie Headd    Posted on: March 30, 2008
The ghost in the Woods Down a long lane of beautiful trees which arched over each other from side to side was a house where time seemed to have stopped and stayed very still. For under the trees, in that time-stayed home, had happened a frightfully close dream of all dreams.
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Defects in religions

by shri datta swami    Posted on: March 30, 2008
Hinduism has two defects. The first is that all the rituals are not conducted in the mother tongue. The rituals involve hymns in Sanskrit. In the ancient days, Sanskrit was the mother tongue of the sages.
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April 2008 Astrology Tendencies for All Zodiac Signs

by Gerardas Norkus    Posted on: March 30, 2008
Spring is the time for action. In April those who are used to delay and hesitate will have to make way for those who are bold and determined. It looks like Fire Element zodiac signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - will become true leaders this month.
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Spiritual Sunrise

by Barry Rice    Posted on: March 29, 2008
Is it really just a case of a sunrise, is a sunrise, is a sunrise I think not. Your future, when you learn to see, is presented upon the horizon of a spiritual sunrise. Let me ask, are you spiritually bankrupt Have little happiness or peace of mind Do you lack enthusiasm about your future Have low self-confidence or self-esteem Broken or weak family relationships Physical challenges that you think are holding you back Fair enough, those can be obstacles to living the life of your dreams, but, there IS an answer! And I CAN convince you when you follow along with my experience in discovering a spiritual sunrise in The Power And Blessings Of A Sunrise at
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Spiritual research on the spiritual life of Bill Gates

by Sean M. Clarke    Posted on: March 29, 2008
Introduction In an age where the super rich invest their wealth in various interests such as football teams, vintage aircrafts etc., Bill Gates stands apart. He has not only pledged a large percentage of his wealth to charity, but has also stated that after July 2008, he will be devoting all his time to charity work.
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Rune Meanings Rune IS Will Power

by Ragnar Storyteller    Posted on: March 29, 2008
BUILDS SELF DISCIPLINE AND WILL POWER Attract self discipline and will power into your life with the combination of the Wisdom of the Ancient Runes and the power of Quantum Physics. Once you start either the runic breathing exercises or the runic yoga exercises you will start to attract the runic energies out of the Quantum Ocean into your life.
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Binaural beats and their application to psychic development

by Reviewer Mania    Posted on: March 29, 2008
Today's world of modern science and quantum physics may have unlocked the secret to the progressive development of human psychic abilities: the invention of what is now known as binaural beats. Binaural beats have the ability to alter brainwave patterns in such a way that few, if any, other meditation or psychic development techniques relying on methods such as creative visualization, chanting, or what have you, can even hope to come close to.
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