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Examples of Haiku Poems

by Edward Weiss    Posted on: October 24, 2006
If you're looking for a good example of haiku poems and you want a more modern example, look no further! Sure, it's easy to find haiku examples of Basho, Issa, and Buson - the old Japanese masters. But what about what haiku poets are doing today Here, for your reading pleasure are a few examples of modern haiku.
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Writing A Formal Letter

by Jennifer Burns    Posted on: April 10, 2007
In English there are a number of conventions that should be used when writing a formal or business letter. Furthermore, you try to write as simply and as clearly as possible, and not to make the letter longer than necessary.
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Effective Birthday Invitation Wording Techniques

by Trevor Mulholland    Posted on: March 21, 2007
You may think it's easy to design a birthday invitation, but when you get down to it, you may find that the wording is the most difficult part. Stumped for words Read on to find a few tips on how to make your birthday invitation wording more effective and attractive.
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How To Write A Murder Mystery

by G.D. Baum    Posted on: March 9, 2007
The murder mystery genre' is alive and well and living at an on-line bookstore just a mouse click away. How is it that this over-utilized method of story-telling has remained so fresh and compelling after well over a hundred years The answer lies in the basics of writing.

Creative Ideas for Surprise Birthday Invitations

by Trevor Mulholland    Posted on: March 20, 2007
Ever thought about holding a surprise birthday party for someone close to you If so, you must've given some thought about how difficult it would be to invite the celebrant's friends and family to attend it, without the celebrant knowing! A real surprise party planner will know how to cover his or her tracks, and that goes for sending surprise birthday invitations.
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Writing an Argumentative Paper

by Ferrel Kenda    Posted on: November 24, 2006
There comes a time in our lives when it becomes necessary to express your opinion or alternate position on paper, whether it be for a school assignment, a letter to the editor, a memo suggesting new company policy, or just an e-mail to your sibling explaining an opposing viewpoint.
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Persuasive Writing

by Jennifer Burns    Posted on: April 10, 2007
You encounter persuasive writing everyday. For example, commercial videos persuading you to buy a specific product etc. The goal of persuasive writing is to convince people to agree with you. It is important to understand that persuasive writing relies greatly on facts, but not opinions.
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Find Names For Your Characters the Easy Way

by Mervyn Love    Posted on: April 1, 2008
We've all been there. You know she's called Sandie or Kaylee or some other cool name but can't for the life of you find a suitable surname. You've wrung your hands to the bone, you've drunk the midnight oil, but still a good solid name won't come.
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Friendship Poems and Haiku - A New Approach!

by Edward A. Weiss    Posted on: August 13, 2006
What better way to express your love for a friend than through poetry. Friendship poems show you really care about someone. But have you ever thought of using haiku to show your appreciation for your friend Haiku, an age-old poetic form from Japan, uses very little material to create a picture in the mind's eye of the reader.
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Fiction: Writing the Synopsis

by Joy Cagil    Posted on: March 10, 2007
A synopsis is an abridgment, an outline or a short presentation of any written work. A synopsis is necessary to tell an editor what the book is about and if its progression is reasonable. In some cases, an outline for a written-to-be work can aid the synopsis later.
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