
How To Decide If You Should Get A Plasma Or LCD TV

Posted by: Vincent Teoh    Posted on: June 15, 2007

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Two main types of flat panels rule the high definition market at the moment: plasmas and LCDs. Even though these TVs are slim, attractive and capable of spectacular pictures, most people are still unsure of which type of flat screen TV they should buy. This article will attempt to help you in making the correct decision by considering your viewing needs.

Traditionally, plasma TVs held the advantage over LCD TVs when it comes to sheer picture quality. That said, as LCD TVs improve as technology advances, the gap now is marginal at best. To decide on whether you should purchase a plasma TV or LCD TV, you should analyze how you're going to use the HDTV.

If you intend to spend a lot of time playing console games on your new HDTV, you should choose an LCD rather than a plasma TV. Although not as serious a problem as it was before, plasma TVs are still considerably susceptible to screenburn and image retention which could be easily caused by an extended gaming session.

Moreover, LCDs tend to be brighter and boast a higher resolution than plasma TVs within the same price bracket, meaning that the games would look more detailed and vivid, contributing to a more absorbing gaming experience.

The same case applies if you're going to use a home theater PC (HTPC) with your HDTV. The higher resolution of LCDs will ensure that screen text are well-formed; and the increased brightness level (compared to plasma TVs) is necessary in mimicking a computer monitor. Moreover, if you sit close to your HDTV you may detect a lot of pixel noise on plasma TVs due to the fashion the pictures are generated through pulse width modulation.

However, if you watch a lot of fast action sports, a plasma TV should be a strong contender in your consideration. While much improved compared to previous batches, LCDs continue to suffer from motion ghosting as a result of the sample-and-hold phenomenon which is inevitable in the LCD technology. More advanced LCDs powered with frame interpolation technology (100Hz and above) are better in this regard, but because the technology is still in its infancy, it is usually limited to smaller screens (less than 40-inch), and side effects like shimmer and frame breaking are occasionally introduced.

I know I said in a previous paragraph that there's minimal difference in the picture quality of plasmas and LCDs nowadays, but as a general rule of thumb, the blacks and shadow detail on plasma TVs are better than those on LCDs. So if you're an avid fan of movies with lots of dark scenes (like Batman Begins and The Prestige), you should seriously opt for a plasma TV over an LCD TV.

By examining the way you're going to use the HDTV, you're more likely to reach the right decision on whether to purchase a plasma TV or LCD TV. Good luck!

About the Author

Vincent Teoh writes for HDTV Test, which publishes HDTV test professionally. For more info please visit his HD TV Selector.

Source: Technology Articles on

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