Is Dmoz Listing A Test Of Patience
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Dmoz is always viewed as the key to get higher traffic and increased PageRank for your website. Webmasters and online business owners aim for a Dmoz listing with the faith that it can help their sites rank well on the search engines especially in Google - since Google uses the information contained in the Dmoz directory. This is the driving force that leads them to the idea of getting their sites listed in Dmoz. But is it true that getting listed in Dmoz is a test of patience and perseverance
Getting listed in Dmoz may take a long time - or forever as others have put it. Therefore, it is indeed a test of your patience and perseverance as a webmaster. The listing may take longer than you actually expect it to be. This leads to the common question that haunts webmasters and online business owners that have submitted their sites to is this: When will my site be listed in Dmoz
Will My Site Ever Appear in Dmoz
Since it takes so long for a site to be listed in Dmoz, some webmasters are already losing hope. Will their sites still be listed This question has even given birth to a lot more questions. Why does it take so long for a particular site to be approved and listed in Dmoz What factors affect the delay in processing, approval and listing It is deemed necessary to know what lies behind the delays, so presented here are the reasons why it takes so long to get your website listed in Dmoz.
Number of Editors
Dmoz claims to have a large number of editors volunteering for it. Though it may or may not be true, how could we know But the fact is not all these editors are still active. Some of them may not be of help anymore in the checking and reviewing of the websites submitted in Dmoz. This can lead us into thinking that Dmoz may only have a relatively small number of editors who are actually and actively helping out the directory.
Backlog of Sites
We have just learned that there may not be a large number of editors working for Dmoz. Now, imagine a large number of websites submitting to Dmoz directory. The ratio between the editor and the sites may not be balanced at all. This leaves a massive backlog of websites waiting to be reviewed.
Another reason for the backlog of sites is that editors can only review site submissions on their own category. It is a usual scene in Dmoz that some categories will receive more site submissions compared to the other categories. The editors assigned to the category with a large number of submissions may have a hill of not yet reviewed sites - which leads to backlog of course.
Submission Errors
There are times wherein the delay of approval is due to errors in submission. When you submit your site to Dmoz, remember to follow the Dmoz guideline of submission and submit your site to the most appropriate category for it. Otherwise, your submission will be transferred from one category to another and every time it is transferred, you are put on the last queue.
Now that you know the reasons why it takes so long for your site to be listed in Dmoz, let me ask you again, are you still willing to wait Well, for your site's higher ranking and increased PageRank, why not
This article is written by nPresence, an online web marketing agency that specializes in search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, content management systems, web design, tracking and analysis. For all your web marketing needs, please visit Web Marketing Dublin.
About the Author
hafiz lecky is an oracle certified associates, currently running a succesful home based internet business online
Source: Traffic Analysis Articles on
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