Top 5 converting website traffic sources
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Are You Trading Links to Build Page Rank You May Be Missing The Boat!
Many of the so called search engine optimization experts strongly suggest only trading links with other sites that have a high page rank. While this itself is probably a great suggestion if you are only focusing on building your sites page rank. But what about traffic Let's be realistic here for a minute.
3 Instant Traffic Techniques for Mini-Sites
When building websites there are two main options: large content site or small mini-sites. Large content sites normally focus more on providing "information". Mini-sites, however, normally have one purpose only, to sell. Given what search engines want, large content sites are much better for getting search engine traffic.
PPC Advertising for Maximum Web Promotion
Engaging in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has its own benefits and drawbacks. But what exactly is PPC advertising and what it can do to your business Business nowadays is doing different kinds of austerity measures when it comes to advertising their products and services. This is because of high rates of placing ads on print and on television.
What's the Difference A Comparison of Web Analytics with Web Statistics
What's the Difference A Comparison of Web Analytics to Web Statistics In the old days, a program ran on the back end of a Web site that churned out pages and pages of raw data that was -- Hard to read; Hard to interpret; and, Not particularly helpful. That was the world of Web statistics. Today, Web site data is easy to read, easy to understand and indispensable for improving site performance.
Top 10 Reasons to Understand Your Web Traffic
Some companies improve Web site traffic and search engine marketing by relying on internal brainstorming sessions, intuition and sometimes even the latest fad. A few don't bother making changes at all. Truth is, the only reliable method of building a strong online presence is using Web analytics to evaluate traffic.
How To Monetize Your Traffic And Getting The Most Out Of It.
Establishing your own E-commerce site is not like what it used to be. There are thousands of competition that is all too willing to get a bigger share of the pie. Every scheme and method you can find to augment your sales would be very beneficial.
Do Your Know Enough About Your Visitors Probably Not!
Your site is up, it's matured for a few months and now it's finally getting some visitors; congratulations. But just how much do you know about where these visitors are actually coming from and what exactly they're doing once they reach your site At this stage, most web developers and designers will tell you that your web server statistics are just what you need to be looking at since they provide you with an insight into visitor traffic, most common referrers and such.
Social networking is more and more common these days. The explosion of things like Myspace and Facebook was a huge explosion in the marketing world. They allow you to select specifics on ads in peoples pages based on their interests in their profile, for example if you sold flowers, drop your add on all profiles that are interested in gardening. Social networks are great, if you keep up to date with them and keep a steady flow of new and appealing ideas streaming into them.
Forums can be one of the most over looked traffic builders. If you take two sites, one with high page rankings and one not so good. The higher page rank will get more traffic because it ranks higher in the search engine, but give both those sites a press release on a new product of service in their said industries. Now the one with the higher ranking may not go overboard with the link building as they're rank is already high they're traffic is already up. But take the smaller one, they are new an may not have a lot of links so they need to work harder to promote themselves as well as the new product or service. Now they hit the forums, every forum that has to do with the topic at hand, they post about the product, link it back to their site and boom, within a few days they're ranking goes up. They've got more links, people come to their page to check out the new product because they saw it on a forum they were interested in. It's that simple.
New software from Google, offers ways to target you audience more extensively so as to eliminate people from clicking your ads that are less likely to buy. You can now chose your age range, your gender, and as usual the types of sites you want your ads to show up on. You wouldn't want ads for yearly mammograms showing up on auto body sites. The more targeted that your ad is, the more likely the person looking at it will be clicking it and buying into your product. It's hard to find the right buyers but specifically targeting the ads to the people who buy your product makes it that much easier.
Press releases are a one two punch, with them you use them to build rapport, get your name recognized, and keep adding to your website providing growth to your content. Constant new news feed keeps your site from becoming stagnant. And the more places you release your press release to the more potential traffic you have coming in. Your traffic is only limited to how much you put out there, the more you put out the more possibility for people to click the links to your site and buy your products.
Search engine optimization is what puts your site high up on a search engine. When you optimize your site to more frequently used key word terms you're most likely to show up for on more engines and bring more people to you. Now when you optimize the above methods, press releases, PPC, forum posting, essentially link building, then your traffic goes up, your page rank goes up and your top of the engine. Being at the top can only help bring up your traffic.
Coming Soon..
About the Author
Trav Ick is an accomplished writer, speaker and internet marketer who has been the secret weapon of many online businesses for over 11 years. He's spoken at seminars in Canada, the U.K., US & Australia.
Source: Traffic Analysis Articles on
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