Why Should Online Marketers Use Ad Tracking and How Does it Work
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How to analyze your website traffic
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Why should I Use Ad Tracking
Every business must advertise.
The more effective your ads - the greater your profits.
So how do you make your ads more effective
There's only two factors
1. The content - the words you use in your headline and the body
2. The location where you place your ad
And, as the expert marketers will tell you, by constant experimenting, changing, tweaking and testing you'll eventually find the best combination.
Simple as that... Except for one thing.
How do you carry out the testing
As visitors flock to your website how do you know which ad has brought them there Are they coming from:
- a banner ad
- a newsgroup ad
- a signature tag
- a published article
- a free link posting
- an auto responder campaign
- a reciprocal link
- an affiliate program
- a free classified ad
- an e-zine ad
- a forum posting
- an email marketing campaign
Wouldn't you like to know
- which of these received the best response
- whether free classified sites are worth the effort
- which e-zines are the most profitable
- how a sponsored e-zine ad compares to the standard one
- whether animated banners are better than static ones
- how effective are your email signatures: does the one with the word "free" in the headline fare best
- does the ad at the start of an e-zine outperform the one at the end
- and so on
There's only one way to find out the answers to all these questions and to really know the effectiveness of every single ad, banner, link that you run.
You MUST use an ad tracking program.
How does ad tracking work
It's very simple
- you don't have to change anything at your web site
- you don't have to examine your web site logs
- you don't have to make copies of your web pages
You just replace the URL that you want to place in your ad with a 'tracking' URL which we will give you.
Let's have an example.
Suppose you want to run an ad campaign by placing an ad in the XYZ newsletter for a product at your web page 'http://www.yoursite.com' You first decide on a special code/description unique to this campaign, in this case a code "XYZ newsletter" would be suitable.
Then you just tell the ad tracking program to provide you with the tracking URL for 'http://www.yoursite.com' with a code "XYZ newsletter" As simple as that, you just feed in 2 pieces of information. (The beauty of TrackThatAd.com is that you can set these up in seconds).
The system then provides you with a new URL - a tracking URL - and this is the one that you place in the ad.
So now when someone reads that ad and clicks on the new URL they will be taken to 'http://www.yoursite.com' and the ad tracking system will register that the click came from your XYZ newsletter campaign.
PS: As you may have noticed, the links provided in this article actually are ad tracking links.
About the Author
If You Want To Get Started Tracking Your Ads, Check Out TrackThatAd.com. It's FREE and Easy to Use.
Source: Traffic Analysis Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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