Viral Marketing Concepts
More Viral Marketing Articles
Marketing your site
A site, new or old, must be marketed. Marketing a site needs time and patience to bring in results. It also comes in 2 forms, offline and online marketing. Offline marketing means marketing not using the web. This may be in the form of distributing business cards, distributing flyers and posting ads on bulletin boards.
Principles of Viral Marketing
Viral marketing has definitely gained its popularity over the global network. More and more businesses are adopting this marketing strategy to gain their fair share in the market. The approach developed by Hotmail in increasing its number of subscribers is one classic example of viral marketing. How Hotmail Did It Hotmail is one of the first web-based email provider that gives away email addresses for free.
Other Viral Marketing Techniques
Since its inception, viral marketing techniques have long been accepted as one of the best ways in generating good, targeted traffic to your site. In fact, it has already established its footing in the business since the hotmail epidemic and the dancing baby was first disseminated. With the success of these two primary concepts of viral marketing, most businesses have already devised some ways on how to make the most out of viral marketing.
Using Viral Marketing Strategies to Bring More Viewers to your Site
Viral marketing describes a new method of online marketing that uses pre existing internet social networks to help distribute marketing materials. The name carries an unfortunate connotation because when many people associate the word viral with computer viruses. Viral marketing is nothing at all like the destructive and malicious software that has so often wreaked havoc on the internet.
Not Using Viral Marketing Could Stop Your Business Dead
If there is just one thing that your website must posess it's creativity if you are to stay ahead of the game in your market. As the number of internet businesses grow and offline businesses turn to online methods, your business must implement every possible method of marketing vailable. You may think that just because your product, service or website is the best, unless people know it exists and can find it, then your business is dead in the water or at best it's going to be bobbing around and getting washed about with the ever changing tide.
How Do Name Squeeze Pages Generate Profit
There are many ways on how to earn money from the Internet. Many people have claimed of having gained certain millions from using the Internet as a marketing tool. emails, ezines, affiliate programs, these are just a few of the most popular ways of earning through the Internet. Marketing itself has made a dramatic shift towards the use of the virtual world of the Internet to be able to reach a certain market to promote a certain product or service.
Viral Marketing Strategies That Will Not Fail To Let The Word Out
Viral marketing provides astonishing results to almost any online business, products or services. It is a vast source of "one-way" links, sales leads and targeted traffic. Yet, still several marketers are either not familiar with these techniques or does not recognize their capabilities or not taking complete advantage of what they call the "viral factor" in their online marketing efforts.
Viral marketing, also known as word-of-mouth advertising, convergence marketing, buzz marketing, network marketing, or referral advertising, is the skillful promotion of a product, brand or services with strongest influence in the online market. A fertile source for viral marketing is through blogs, online forums, IRC (Internet Relay Chat), instant messaging, UseNet newsgroups, and emails. Main purpose of this marketing strategy is utilizing several pre-existing social networks to generate positive impacts on the minds of maximum number of readers.
Professional viral marketing helps to create exponential increase in the exposure and influence of the message from a single reader to thousands and millions of other readers; just like a biological virus that is spread from persons to person. Higher the pass-along rate higher is the percentage of viral marketing impact. If someone forwards an extremely mind blowing article or blog to large number of their friends or associates, the pass-along rate increases extensively. This is a viral marketing success. Thus in actual fact, an appropriately running article, forum or blog can be used expansively for the purposes of generating social networking, viral marketing, and ultimately building solid traffic.
There are numerous free knowledge sharing sites and free web-based e-mail service providers (e.g.: hotmail, gmail, etc) that were formed with the purposes of viral marketing or advertising. The Internet marketing is today packed with a number of online discussion forums where people get the opportunity to share information, exchange pictures or music and take part in discussions on a wide array of topics. Viral marketing utilizes the every possible communication network in the Internet.
With viral marketing, free faqs, free information, free weekly/monthly e-newsletters, free email services, short-form editorials, free IT consultancy or business advices are mostly given away. This marketing strategy can attract audience by giving away amusing video clips, advergames, flash games, SMS etc.
Like any other marketing strategies, viral marketing has some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are low costs, high credibility, high efficiency, great reach, and opportunity to continuous promotion adjustments. The main disadvantages of the viral marketing are the chance of working in association with unknown groups, spamming threats, brand dilution, etc.
About the Author
Article is written by Sabu Lal N G, working for
Source: Viral Marketing Articles on
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