Web site designing and development
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Is it Really Possible to Create a Good Website Using a Website Builder?
Designing a website that is both professional and user friendly can certainly be challenging and unfortunately, a lot of people don't know the first thing about website design. With so many website designers currently on the Internet, hiring an expert is more affordable then ever; however, for those who are on a small budget and just don't have the money to pay a designer, there is a feasible alternative to owning a professional looking website.
Site Navigation Design Notes
Your Website navigation is a crucial part of your website design. Visitors find their way around your website using the site navigation links. In order to be effective your design should allow visitors to quickly and easily reach the parts of the site that they are interested in. Your site navigation is determined by the information hierarchy of the website i.
Buyer Beware - Web Design Templates
Web design templates aren't always a good idea for a number of reasons. Most importantly because templates rarely fit your needs exactly, and clients often end up spending more time and money in the long run tweaking the design to fit their content. It's like trying to stuff a large man into a small suit.
Usability Tip: Opening New Browser Windows
When clicking on a link on a website, visitors are either directed to a new page within the website, or a new browser window opens. The new browser window may appear in a variety of different ways, such as a PDF document, a 'Contact Us' form, an external website or just another page inside the website.
RSS - What You Need to Know
Many Marketers are wondering how they can use RSS Feeds to leverage their marketing initiatives. RSS Feeds are the ultimate in permission marketing because they allow users to subscribe to content updates that they receive immediately in their RSS aggregators or News Readers. This means marketers can communicate immediately to the clients and partners who are most interested in their company.
Creating Sticky Sites For B2B Companies
Many B2B companies are wondering how they can make their web presence much more valuable to their clients. Good marketers know that the days of the web site as online brochure are gone for good. So how does one go about creating a valuable user experience? One tactic is to make the site "sticky" meaning users come back to your site more often and stay longer.
Beware the Flog
Some advertisers thought they'd be clever and launch fake blogs (flogs) to promote products. Users quickly find out that these blogs are staged attempts by advertising agencies to create positive viral buzz about their products but it often has the opposite effect. Take Walmart for example. Walmart's ad agency decided it would be a good idea to launch a blog from a couple travelling across the USA.
Web site designing and development started almost a decade ago but it still have same importance and value. Cyber space is mainly crowded by web sites and new ones are coming in thousands on daily basis so still there is room for web site designing and development companies. New features in web sites requiring regular updates for web sites developed years before and here again web sites owners are looking for good, reliable and expert web sites designing and development companies, who know the current trends for web sites. Here we would like to review few features most web sites should have:
1. Attractive aesthetic look It is the most important feature for any web site. Depending upon nature of business, color scheme, layout, graphics and animations should reflect the nature of business and also the aesthetic sense of people behind the web site.
2. Friendly navigation Visitors do not like to keep searching the web site for their required info, So navigation should be user friendly and any info should not be more than two clicks way.
3. Attractive content Content must be relevant and fresh and must be updated on regular basis
4. Inquiry forms Simple inquiry form with minimum questions must be there to get visitors response instantly
5. News letters subscription Newsletter subscription is best way to get visitors track and show how many visitors are interested in web site info
6. Blogs Blogs are interesting feature to keep your visitors attached to your web site
7. Forums Blogs are interesting feature to keep your visitors attached to your web site
8. RSS RSS feed helps your site with updated content and also increase interest of web site visitors Source: Abdul Wahab is internet consultant and affiliated with www.pntglobal.com which is web site Designing and Development Company.
About the Author
internet marketing consultant....
Source: Web Design Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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