
Why Writing Copy for the Web is Different

Posted by: Dr Codjo Rodrigue Abel ASSAVEDO    Posted on: April 1, 2008

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Do you ever hear the saying that 'The content is the key' So to be successful, your website needs to have a good content. Although many people seem to think that writing effective copy for the web is easy, it isn't. So if you want to ensure that your readers and your customers understand how your website works and what it can do for them, you need to produce good copywriting for it.

It is important to remember that web users are active, not passive. So if they can not find a reason for staying on a site, then they will leave it. Sometimes a person will leave 15 seconds after they have actually gotten there. So if your text is too long, then they are less likely to read it. So if you want a web user to believe what you have to say, you must be able to back up the hype.

One of the most important reasons as to why copywriting for the web is different is that the mindset of those who are going to be reading is different. More often than not, most web pages will be found via a search engine. This is very significant, as it means that the person reading your site has been looking either for you or someone like you. So that puts them in control. This is because they will be focused on finding a particular product, service or piece of information.

So anyone visiting your site for the first time and has found it via a search engine will have a few questions in mind. "Have I come to the right place" also "Will I find what I'm looking for at this page or site" Finally, they would be asking themselves "Do I feel able that I can complete the task at this point"

So what is vital is that you answer these questions in both your headline, and any sub-headlines you may have. It needs to be able to secure a response from this first time visitor immediately. In order for this to happen, your writing needs to provide answers so that the visitor knows exactly what they are looking for.

What is important when writing any copy for the web is that you reassure any visitors that they are in the right place, and that they should continue to read on.


Warm regards,

Dr Codjo Rodrigue Abel ASSAVEDO

PS: You can use this article as long as you don't change anything inside, not remove any like whatsoever. It's as it is.

About the Author

Dr Codjo Rodrigue Abel ASSAVEDO is born in Benin Republic. He's an physician ophthalmologist, currently hospital practioner in the Universitary Hospital Centre of Parakou in his country. To see a couple of his works, go to

Source: Writing Articles on

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