7 Vital "Must Knows" for the Russian Kettlebell Beginner
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Kettlebells are without doubt one of the best and fastest ways to get fit and strong, but they are very different from other types of exercise you may have done before. I personally started with Pavel Tsatsouline's Russian Kettlebell Challenge and a 12 kilogram kettlebell. While the DVD covers everything you need to know to get started, I personally found that there are some things that no one talks about that can really help when you are just starting out. In this article I cover 7 things you should keep in mind if you are just starting out on your kettlebell training that will smooth your transition into this type of training.
1. Take It Easy!
When I was a teenager, I climbed the local mountain with some buddies. On the way down we had some fun by coming down the path as fast as we could by a technique I describe as run-hop-skip. The following day, and the next day and the day after that, the front of my thighs were sore and stiff, because you don't use the muscles in the front thigh very much. But that was nothing compared to the first time I overdid my kettlebell training. I was sore and stiff from head to toe. I remember getting off the bus and walking to the office like a cardboard cutout. Every step, every time I stood up, moved around, sat down my muscles complained. While it's true that it is possible to over train with any time of exercise, it seems particularly easy with kettlebells. Remember, with nearly all kettlebell exercises you are using muscles from head to toe. Another thing that doesn't help is the macho posturing of many in the forums online. If you are starting out, do yourself a favor and take it easy! So it might take a little longer to get the results you are looking for, so what I wouldn't want to wish my 'cardboard cutout' day on anyone, and it might just put you off your training to have a day like that. So once again, tend towards under training when you are starting out. You can always ramp up later as you get fitter and stronger, and believe me, you are going to get fitter and stronger, guaranteed.
2. Do the Squat Exercises
In the first section of Russian Kettlebell Challenge, Pavel shows you some squat training exercises, such as sitting down on the edge of a chair or squatting against a wall. Like me, you are probably tempted to rush past these basic exercises and get into the meat of your training. My advice is, don't. When you are starting out, you should do these basic exercises each and every time you train. The foundation of all kettlebell exercises is the swing. If you don't get the swing right, you will not be able to do the more advanced exercises. The foundation of good swing technique is correct squat form, and so it is vital that you practice the basic squat exercises to improve your squatting form as a lead-in to correct swing technique.
3. Keep Your Head Up
Following on from the squat exercises above, it is also important that you never, ever curl your back on the descent (squat) part of the swing. One way to guarantee that you do not curl your back is to always keep your head up. Raise your chin, look forward, or up, whatever it takes to keep your head tilted back. You cannot curl your back with your head tilted back. If your lower back is sore after your kettlebell training (beyond a slight muscle stiffness), then that will serve as a reminder to keep your head up next time.
4. Watch Your Heart Rate
Kettlebell training is an incredibly intense form of exercise, and as a result it is very easy to raise your heart rate to dangerous levels very quickly, particularly if you are not very fit when you start like I was. The easy solution is to get yourself a cheap heart rate monitor. I personally use a watch with a built in monitor. After each set I check my pulse, and I recommend that you do the same. I was surprised early on in my training that after one set my HR had shot up to 160, dangerously high for someone in my condition. I proceeded to walk around slowly until my HR had dropped to a safer level.
5. Master with Light, Train with Heavy
Because dropping 32kg of solid cast iron on yourself is potentially very dangerous, perhaps even fatal, it is vital that you master each technique with the lightest kettlebell first before using the heavier bell. This has two advantages (1) It allows you to perfect your form before using the heavier weight (2) It allows the required muscles that are weaker to 'catch up' and 'balance out' your strength. This is vitally important because of something called 'load distribution'. When you put your muscles under stress, the stress or load is distributed according to the laws of physics across the entire supporting structure (in this case, your body). Any load failure will occur at the weakest point in the structure. By using the lighter weight first, your muscles respond differently to the load that is applied to them. Those muscles that are weaker will have a greater growth response than those that can easily bear the load. This is important because you do NOT want the weaker muscle to fail on the heavier weight, as the consequences could be dire. Personally, I use the 12kg (26lb) Kettlebell for any new exercise/technique, and once I have the form good and I can feel that there are no weaknesses in my load bearing ability, I move on to the 16kg (35lb) Kettlebell to train with. Personally, I have a full and interesting life outside of fitness and I am only interested in doing the minimum amount of exercise to keep fit and strong. Kettlebells fit that requirement perfectly.
6. Train Hard, Less Often
Once you have been training on the kettlebells for a while, you will want to increase the intensity of your training sessions, and when you do I recommend that you remember the words of training guru Pete Sisco; "Every day is a liver day". Or to put it another way, the more intense your workout, the longer the rest period between workouts should be. Remember, as you start to workout, your appetite will increase, your body will begin to convert the stored fat into glycogen (via the liver), there will be more waste in your bloodstream that needs to be eliminated. The organs in your body are not muscles. They do not respond to stress as fast, or in the same way, and they will always have a limit on their processing power. Unlike the muscles, their abilities are limited. I recommend any of Pete Sisco's books for a much more detailed explanation, but the simple concept is this; Train Harder, Less Often.
7. Stretch After Training
This is not the place for an exhaustive description of stretching, but in brief, once you finish your workout you should stretch your arms, shoulders (trapezius), lats (latissimus dorsi), calves and hamstrings. Stretch gently, and keep warm.
So that about wraps it up. Russian Kettlebell training is a very effective and rapid method of achieving your strength and fitness goals. Remember comrades, take it easy, do the squat practice exercises, keep your head up, watch your heartrate, master with light, train with heavy, train harder, less often and stretch after training.
Until next time, dosvydanya.
About the Author
Ian Thompson of http://www.Russian-Kettlebells-Guide.com has been training with kettlebells for 6 months and has already felt the benefit in strength and fitness that this unique training equipment provides. For more articles and tips to use in your kettlebell training, go to the Russian Kettlebells Guide website
Source: Fitness Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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