The Sense Of Human Life
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There has always been a question, asked by people of all ages and colors of skin, and that is the question about the sense of human life. Everyone has his own answer - for some the point of their life is to have children, for others it is to work, to love and be loved, to help other people and living creatures, but is it the right answer If everything in the world has its purpose, than not only positive things make sense, but also negative ones such as murders, illnesses, envy, hatred and even pain, which we consider harmful.
Majority of people are searching for the purpose of their lives, something that will make their existence meaningful. In fact, they are looking for a reason to enjoy their life more, for happiness. However, nobody really knows what happiness is either. In general, happiness is envisaged as positive feelings which a human being experiences from time to time. But in spite of some common beliefs, for everyone happiness has a different face. Some people are happy when they help the other people, others are happy when they earn a lot of money or they may need to create something new to feel happy.
But what can we do with millions of unhappy people Where is the sense of their lives Thus, generalizing, we can make a conclusion that the point in human existence is to live. However, there is the question what is to live: and that is to feel, to think, to eat, to work, to walk and so on. Another question is why we do all these. Maybe the purpose of this all is to transform the world energy by means of our feelings An unhappy injured man suffers and a businessman triumphs because of his success, a young girl is happy to be married to a man she loves and an assassin is glad to kill his enemy. All these are emotions we go through every day and they are important.
Eternal cosmic soul has many parts and one of them belongs to mankind. Thus, every human being is a fragment of the whole human part of this cosmic soul. If it is true that the sense of human life is an energy transformation with the help of emotions we all live through, then we must admit that the sense of a human life is everything in every man's life.
About the Author
Phillip Adams is a professional journalist and writer having a great experience of dissertation writing, dissertations and other works. He is always ready to share her experience of writing excellent Fashion essay.
Source: Social Issues Articles on
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