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Your Casual Wear Needs An Update!

by Jeff Piper    Posted on: April 1, 2008
As a woman, it is much easier to dress in trendy fashions. Entire stores are dedicated to the low-cost yet fashionable pieces that women crave. We can buy cute, inexpensive clothes in bulk, wear these discount pieces about a dozen times and then throw them out once the hems start fraying, the thin fabric starts tearing and the buttons start popping off.

Why do Americans hate each other--Why are we so divided?

by Tony M Jackson    Posted on: April 1, 2008
Is there hope for the American nation in 2008 and beyond Are we turning more "inward" and saying, "I am not my brother's keeper" Have we as a chosen nation truly "overcome" to reach that pinnacle of triumph in Dr.

Virusul social nu face discriminari

by Dafina SUCIU    Posted on: April 1, 2008
Centrul de Prevenire, Evaluare si Consiliere Antidrog Cluj (CPECA) are cativa ani de experienta in spate. Ce ne puteti apune despre evolutia acestuia Cum au fost lucrurile la inceput si unde va pozitionati in momentul de fata Eugen Boie, Comisar Sef de Politie, Coordonator al Centrului de Prevenire, Evaluare si Consiliere Antidrog Cluj: As vrea sa fac precizarea ca Agentia Nationala Antidrog (ANA) s-a infiintat in toamna anului 2002 si a inceput sa functioneze cu atestare din 2003.

Vegetarians Make Trusted Politicians

by melvin polatnick    Posted on: April 1, 2008
After many years of experience I have come to the conclusion that a band of wolves can control a thousand sheep. I find that to be true not only in the animal kingdom but also in the human one. There is no point of me dreaming of the day when the wolves and sheep will join forces and create a vegetarian society.

The Sense Of Human Life

by Phillip Adams    Posted on: April 1, 2008
There has always been a question, asked by people of all ages and colors of skin, and that is the question about the sense of human life. Everyone has his own answer - for some the point of their life is to have children, for others it is to work, to love and be loved, to help other people and living creatures, but is it the right answer If everything in the world has its purpose, than not only positive things make sense, but also negative ones such as murders, illnesses, envy, hatred and even pain, which we consider harmful.

Spying on Cell Phones Just Got A Whole Lot Easier

by Luigi Di Serio    Posted on: April 1, 2008
Suspicious partners, concerned parents and employers can now use James Bond tricks of their own against their savvy tech culprits. For years cheaters would use their Mobile Phones for their promiscuous activities and their secret lives were safe.

How Where You Live Affects Your Driving Insurance Rates

by Elizabeth Murphy    Posted on: April 1, 2008
Many of us live where we live because we were either raised there or we landed there somehow and are happy with where we are at. Sometimes someone may not have control over where they live for occupational reasons.

How To Stop Break a Up?

by Andres Berger    Posted on: April 1, 2008
Relationship break-ups seem to take one of two directions; one is a bittersweet path and the other filled with anger, meanness and revenge, a bitter path. The bittersweet path is a path of pain but often the pain is the result of physical absence.

Are Bachelorette Parties for bad girl's only

by John Tahan    Posted on: April 1, 2008
A lot of brides wonder, can I have a bachelorette party and still be viewed as a good girl Many mothers and grandmothers advise their daughters that only "bad" women have bachelorette parties, and that a girl's reputation can be tarnished by a wild night out on the town.

School Violence

by Abhijit Banerjee    Posted on: March 31, 2008
Aggression with fists is no longer news in an era when armed aggression is cool. Violence in schools is on the rise worldwide. But not until a child picks up a gun and slaughters that it makes news. A nationwide study of violent deaths in US schools by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control found that 77 percent of the school deaths were caused by firearms.
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