
Vegetarians Make Trusted Politicians

Posted by: melvin polatnick    Posted on: April 1, 2008

More Social Issues Articles

Flower Tattoo Designs
The almost infinite possibilities of flower tattoo designs make flower tattoos the perfect choice for persons who are looking for original tattoo designs. Flower tattoos come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and designs, and are ideal for those who are getting tattoos for the first time. Flower tattoo designs can also be combined with images of insects, fairies, birds, and water to add to the originality of the flower design.

Tattoo Designs for Women
Tattoo designs for women have become better and better in recent years. I love the tattoo that I just got inked on my lower back. Men seem to accept and apreciate women with tattoos more now. I know getting that first tattoo is the scariest. Here are some things you should be aware of; Tattoo artists and people with tattoos, vary widely in their preferred methods of caring for new tattoos.

Convenient Sources For Music
Many people consider a music store at a local mall to be a convenient source for all of their music needs. When they take into account how long it takes to get to the mall and the traffic conditions that must be dealt with on each trip, they might reconsider how convenient it is to buy music at these places in town.

Acidification Of The Oceans Can Kill Us
For the past many years, increased climatic changes have become a matter of concern. It is mainly caused by Co2 climate change. In other words, these changes are occurring due to the increase in concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Studies show that the emission of greenhouse gases is the main cause of global warming.

Biofuels and Bio-additives
The Problem For decades now since the advent of modern transportation systems which require the use of fossil fuels people have sought ways to diminish the adverse environmental effects of such fuels and its soaring cost. Primarily, Global Warming points to the massive use of fossil fuels as its major culprit.

Feminism and the Public School System
What was worse for rugged individualism, the women's movement or the public educational system? About as easy to answer as who has more evil in their propaganda Bin Laden or Hitler. Both the feminist movement and public education set out a goal of equality not excellence. We were only as good as our weakest link they thought and rewards should be spread around to everyone not those that truly excel.

Why Are They Drudging Up the Death of Princess Diana, After All These Years?
After 10 long years, the Inquest to Princess Diana's death finally is brought before a jury. Mohamed Al-Fayed, (Diana's beau Dodi's father), has waited for this trial, but fears it's been too long. Dodi's father has told reporters all over the globe since the tragic death of his son and the Princess, on August 31, 1997, that he believes The Princess and Dodi were murdered by the Royal Family, and like any parent of a lost child, he wants to see justice.

After many years of experience I have come to the conclusion that a band of wolves can control a thousand sheep. I find that to be true not only in the animal kingdom but also in the human one. There is no point of me dreaming of the day when the wolves and sheep will join forces and create a vegetarian society. That would be against natures design and it would be ridiculous. Since I am a sheep the only thing I can hope for is that the band of wolves that surround me will not be too hungry. I try to avoid and not trust them even if they claim to be vegetarians. Because I am sure that they will continue eating sheep until the end of time.

There are three wolves battling for the job of being the next president of the United States, each of them has a different image, but they are still wolves. One is a fierce wolf that believes strongly in military might and territorial control. He also believes in family values and a strong work ethic. Those that don’t agree with or vote for him hope they will not be eaten by this fierce wolf. They are terrified of him becoming president. The voters that want him to become president hope his appetite will be quenched by others and they will never be eaten. But wolves are not choosy who they eat. There is no ground for compromise in his vision of a strong America that dominates the world. He is favored to be our next president.

The second contender is a female wolf that even if fierce is merciful. Her appetite is under control and she is willing to share her food with weaker wolves. But she is still fierce and any wolf that messes with her will wind up a bloody mess. Her base of support come from sheep that believe that even if she is a wolf they will not be eaten as quickly. She promises not to add more problems to the ones the nation already has, and will continue keeping her appetite curbed. But she is seen as a fence sitter which is not the way a wolf should be seen. Her appeal is diminishing because of the need for a wolf that can be admired for either fierceness or mercifulness. Unless she gets off the fence it looks like she will not be our next president.

The third contender is a sweet talking wolf. He has the charisma to charm the ladies who make up the majority of voters. Wherever he goes the crowd is packed with women that want to hear or touch him. They understand that he is a wolf but also a sexy looking one. The weaker wolves also love him because they know that their ravenous appetites will be satisfied with him in power. It is thought by many lean sheep that if he becomes president he will fatten them up. But in reality those lean sheep will have less to eat and will be the first ones that are eaten.

Those three are the contenders for our next president. They remind me of three sauces: “Spicy, Mild, Sweet“. I doubt that any one of them can make my life any better, but since I am a sheep it is important who becomes our next president. Deep down I feel that when it is time for me to be fully devoured I will be no matter who wins. Despite all the accusations our present president is not responsible for the economy or my life being in shambles because he is only one wolf in a large band. He is helpless to alter the course of events. There are still dreamers that hope for a kinder and better world but the nature of wolves will never change. Those that are fortunate to be a wolf and are hungry, I wish them a hearty appetite. melpol

About the Author

Source: Social Issues Articles on

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