
Articles by Deborrah Cooper

My Girlfriend Dumped Me...How Can I Make Her Take Me Back?

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: March 29, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: My girlfriend broke up with me about 5 months ago. Afterwards, we kept in brief contact via e-mail. I convinced her that I respected her decision and would continue to be her friend unconditionally.
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How Do I Fall In Love Again, Or Am I eaded For Divorce?

Advice Articles    Posted on: March 22, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeatL I've been married for almost 11 years. A few years ago I realized I didn't love my husband anymore. I have two beautiful daughters and that's why I stay married. My husband knows my feelings and we have been going to marriage counseling.
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Husband Has Cheated Several Times, So Why Do I Stay?

Wedding and Marriage Articles    Posted on: March 16, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: I've been married for 12 years with 3 children. Throughout this marriage I've found out and/or caught my husband cheating several times. I've left him many times but for some reason I keep coming back, I guess with hopes that he's changed.
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How Much Difference in Education, Finances and Life Experience is Too Much?

Dating Articles    Posted on: March 16, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: I am a 22 year old female involved with a 30 year old man. I graduated a prestigious university a year ago, have a great job in the finance industry, and have no kids. I also have only had 2 other "serious" relationships before this one.

He Controls What I Wear, What I Eat, and Where I Go!

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: March 16, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: I have been with my fiancé for four and a half years. He is 20 years older than me and we have two beautiful children together. My fiancé has done everything for me and I did not since I have been with him because he did not want me to work.
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Abortion - Pro Life vs. Pro Choice

Social Issues Articles    Posted on: March 4, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: I've been reading up on Pro-choice explanations for their beliefs in supporting abortions. I've found it very difficult to find a straight answer. It seems most of their energy is spent trying to undermine the beliefs of Pro-life supporters.
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Tips For Sucka Free Love: Avoiding The Game Playing Dream Weaving Lover

Dating Articles    Posted on: March 2, 2008
Many women are clueless about what qualities they should be looking for in a man. Their selection criteria and standards are no higher than what kind of car he drives, how "cute" he is, his popularity or profession, how fashionably he dresses, his bedroom skills, or how much money he is willing to spend.
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Should I be Ashamed that I Have Children Younger Than my New Boyfriend?

Dating Articles    Posted on: February 29, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: I am a widow in my mid-fifties who is dating a man in his early 30s. He is smart, funny, well-educated, and a wholly delightful person to be around. We like the same foods and activities, we have similar tastes in music and entertainment, very similar politics, and even similar upbringings, despite the fact that he is black and I am white, and he was raised in the East and I in the West.
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Does An Abusive Alcoholic Husband Deserve Yet Another Chance?

Dating Articles    Posted on: February 29, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: My wife and I have been separated for 3 months now. I was not a picture perfect husband. I was abusive on all levels, except physical. I recently realized that I am an alcoholic and I have been sober for 70 days now.
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Could I be Carrying This Budding Relationship All By Myself?

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: February 28, 2008
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: I recently met a very nice man, that was in a strange 8 year relationship. I say strange because the woman he was seeing ended up preferring women than men. This man, tells me that he is very interested in me, yet he stills he constantly talks about his ex.
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