
Articles by Julia Denham

No More Stress - Let Go for Real Stress Relief

Health Articles    Posted on: April 1, 2008
If you're under stress, you know it. You're anxious, irritable and tense. Or perhaps you're suffering from physical symptoms - anything from acid reflux to constant headaches. You can eliminate stress, and find relief.
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Are You Ready to Lose Weight Test Yourself

Weight Loss Articles    Posted on: March 6, 2008
Are you ready to lose weight If you're ready to make changes in your life, then perhaps you are. You'll need to make changes in what you eat, the amount of exercise you do, the way you look after yourself, and more.
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Stress Relief: Three Easy Things You Can Do to Manage Stress

Health Articles    Posted on: March 6, 2008
Stress is a constant in your life. Everyone suffers from it, and some people use it to fuel their achievements. If you want stress relief, then you need to learn to do three easy things - learn these techniques, and you will conquer stress.

Diet Soup: Popular Soup Diets To Help You To Lose Weight

Weight Loss Articles    Posted on: July 8, 2007
You've heard of the many "soup" diets which promise to help you to lose weight quickly, and you're intrigued. It sounds simple: drink soup for a few days and lose weight. The soup diets are simple, and they certainly can help you to lose weight.
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Yoga For Weight Loss: Losing Weight With Yoga

Weight Loss Articles    Posted on: May 23, 2007
You're many pounds overweight, and you'd love to try yoga... will yoga help you to lose weight The main benefit of yoga is that anyone can do it: young, old, fit, or completely out of shape, so do try yoga - with your doctor's permission, of course.
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Magnets For Pain Relief: Do Magnets Provide Pain Relief

Fitness Articles    Posted on: March 19, 2007
Magnets have been used for pain relief for hundreds of years, and although there's no scientific evidence that they work, thousands of people swear by them. People all over the world use them for aches and pains stemming from medical problems like arthritis and migraine headaches.
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Boost Your Metabolism: Lose Weight, Get More Energy, And Feel Great

Fitness Articles    Posted on: March 19, 2007
Many dieters give up dieting because they get too tired. It's impossible to deal with all the demands on your life if you're exhausted all the time. The major reason you're exhausted is because your metabolism has slowed, because you're not taking in sufficient calories.
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Foods That Boost Metabolism: Raise Your Metabolism And Lose Weight Fast

Fitness Articles    Posted on: March 18, 2007
If you're dieting and are still not losing weight, or are losing weight very slowly, the problem may be that you're not eating enough to boost your metabolism. You need to eat foods that boost metabolism, so that you can lose weight quickly and easily.
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He's Not Crazy, He's Tired: Teenage Sleep Disorder

Health Articles    Posted on: March 15, 2007
It's midnight, and judging by the noise of the computer game coming from his room, your teenager is still wide awake. The next morning, he's in a mood and won't speak as he stumbles out the door. Typical teenager, you think.
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Lose Weight: Get Gorgeous

Weight Loss Articles    Posted on: February 24, 2007
Now you're losing weight, it's time to focus on your looks, because let's admit it, part of the reason you want to lose weight is to look gorgeous. Beauty starts with the inner you, and since you are what you eat, you need to make sure that your diet includes foods that will increase your beauty.
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