Domain Holders Take Advantage of You and Me
More Domain Names Articles
Expired Domain Alerts Can Help You to Obtain Valuable Domain Names
On average there are over 35,000 domain names that expire each and every day. Just a few years ago the average number of expiring domain names was just over 1,000 per day. The market for these expired domain names is increasing in popularity among webmasters who compete to get the best names. Why are these people so concerned about grabbing expired domain names, and why do they expire in the first place? When a person registers a new domain name they usually pay for one years registration.
A Q&A on Explicit Internet Domain Name Litigation
Let me ask you a question. Would you voluntarily leave your job to join another company that would essentially cost you more money to work for and they can change regulations and policies over you at any moment? Wow. What an exciting opportunity! Excuse my sarcasm if you noticed any. If you think that whole scenario is all make believe then you are mistaken.
Domain Name - Get It Before You Start
Choosing the right domain name can be critical to the success of your website and business flourishing. Your domain name should be a key to your web site. Most Internet users remember websites by their domain names; the rule of thumb is that when people think of your web site, they'll think it by name.
How to make the move to .aero
Moving from an exisiting domain to a new domain, need not be a difficult process. Step 1 Have your DNS or email administrator configure your DNS, so that your .aero web address will display your desired web site and redirect your email. Or request this service from your .aero registrar, have them redirect all web visit and email to your existing web address for a specified phase-our period.
3 Tips for Choosing the Right Domain Name
Selecting the right domain name is one of the most important business decisions you can make. When you have a business online, you are competing in a global economy with millions of other websites. The latest information from Internet World Stats counted over 1 billion Internet users in 2007. According to Rich Miller of Netcraft, an Internet monitoring company that has tracked Web growth since 1995, "There are now 100 million Web sites with domain names and content on them.
Life to your Domain
Do you own domain names that are sitting around collecting dust? Have you found that parking your unused domain names bring you very little, if any revenue? Traditional domain parking simply does not work! Brings Life to Your Domain Names A page full of unrelated links to numerous categories works well for major web portals, but not for your undeveloped domain name.
Why mobi-domains?
1. Did you know that mobile browsing is expected to be mainstream? Ipsos Insight's 2005 "The Face of the Web" study shows significant increases in ownership of mobile phones and mobile surfing by mainstream users. 2. Do you want to reach a massive customer base? Meet the 1.3 billion users who will have Internet access on their mobile by 2008.
As if it's not difficult enough to find a marketable and appealing domain name these days, some companies are now suspect of manipulating buyers by analyzing recent domain searches and using the data to inflate domain prices. This has been a growing issue as the number of domain purchases over years has skyrocketed and along with that so have the number of companies facilitating domain purchases.
To combat this issue a law suit was filed with a Los Angeles court Monday against Network Solutions, LLC, one of the many domain facilitation sites ( The importance of this lawsuit is extremely prominent in protecting businesses and consumers involved in online business development. As someone who owns more than ten domains and has experienced the aforementioned problem, let me tell you, this is huge.
Here's how it works:
For the purpose of this argument, let's say I am a apparel designer in Florida who realizes the potential to grow my business through the outlet of e-commerce. I put together my online business strategy, hire a couple of designers, and begin to create what will soon be my online presence. Using a domain facilitator I search and scour through thirty possible domain names but decide to come back and purchase after I speak with a marketing consultant to get some ideas on which domains have the most marketability. During this gap of time the domain facilitator has accessed its search analytics and notices that I, as well as others, have been searching for possible domains. In turn they purchase the domains, making them unavailable to me upon my eager arrival to get up and running online. At this point I am either forced to search for another, likely less appealing domain, or purchase my first choice at a much higher price. The domain facilitator has just manipulated me to increase its profit margins.
Many companies who do this defend their actions by stating that they are helping the consumer by ensuring domains are available when their customers return to purchase. Don't be fooled. This is a cover for their blatant misuse of search data. I commend them for developing a strategy that allows for higher profits, but they've gone about it the wrong manner. There is a better solution, which I will outline below, to both increase company profits AND provide value and honest service to consumers. Now Network Solutions and others will likely deflate their profits in a vigorous class action law suit that in my opinion could have easily been avoided.
My Solution:
Surely it would be nice to have some more insurance that my domains would be available upon my return to purchase, but as the buyer I should have the option to obtain that insurance. What Network Solutions and other companies should do is develop an option to purchase domain insurance for a nominal fee that reserves the domain for a period of time. This both opens a new stream of revenue for Network Solutions and the like while also preserving the rights of the consumers.
As the competition for domains increases and more and more businesses establish themselves online it will be more and more important to have ethical standard for businesses and consumers to follow and understand. Especially when it comes to private data.
Tips for buying domains:
1. Use a reputable site - I use GoDaddy ( because they not only have a great reputation, but also offer a full suite of domain and hosting services. 2. Be alert of suspicious behavior - If you're domains keep disappearing before you can purchase them, consider investigation the company you're working with. 3. Report suspicious behavior - Visit RNS Domain Fraud and know how to handle potential misuse.
About the Author
Is a Jacksonville University Economics major focused on providing valuable content to readers on the effects of globalization. You can find more information about Deken and his work at
Source: Domain Names Articles on
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Important Facts Related To An Expired Domain Name
An expired domain name could be a wonderful opportunity for you to make money by using its hidden advantages and benefits. It is a boon to those people, who make it a point to study and understand its essential principles and meaning.
Domain Holders Take Advantage of You and Me
Source: As if it's not difficult enough to find a marketable and appealing domain name these days, some companies are now suspect of manipulating buyers by analyzing recent domain searches and using the data to inflate domain prices.
General Pointers And Precautions Of Buying An Expired Web Domain
Consider the real value of the expired web domain: Let us say that you have an expired domain that is more than five years old and you have not been able to sell it at a higher price. Now, if you get an offer for that particular expired web domain, ensure that you are not bargaining too much with the prospective buyer.
A Good Domain Name Is The Key To Your Web Business
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Essential And Practical Tips To Buy Expired Domain Name
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WhyPark Review - Latest Domain Parking Solution?
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Domain Name Purchase - " A Few Tips For Newbies
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Domain Parking Secrets Revealed
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Domain Name Monetization - A Simple Solution.
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Why Park Domain Names - Discover The Benefits
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Why Free Domain Parking Services Are Costly
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