How to sell your domain name quickly
More Domain Names Articles
Where do I register a domain name?
You can register a domain name for yourself by going to any of the domain name registrars worldwide. If the domain name is still available, you will be able to register a domain name for yourself under normal circumstances. Some of the popular domain name registrars are listed below:
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Previously Registered Domain Names
Advantages Of Previously Registered Domain Names There Can Be Substantial Advantages In Buying A Previously Registered Domain Name, The Most Important Is The Existing Traffic. 1, Back Links, Have You Found What A Laborious, Time Consuming Job It Is To Obtain Reciprocal Links. Some Of This Resistance Is Due To The Webmasters Lack Of Time, Non belief In Linking, Page Rank Concerns Or Laziness.
How to Choose Perfect Domain Name for your website?
Article Summery: Worried for your Website Domain Name? Then not to worry!! Our complete guide will illustrate you the most perfect steps to choose domain name. Article Body: Worried for your Website Domain Name? Then not to worry!! Our complete guide will illustrate you the most perfect steps to choose domain name.
Domain parking
One of the easiest and popular ways of creating a passive income involves pay per click search engine affiliate programs. You need to buy a domain name that other Internet users would naturally type in to their browsers. Called "type-in" domains. You might not be able to register The truly great name, but you might be able to register at least One good name, in an industry that you know something about.
How to sell Domain names on eBay
Buying and finding domain names that are brandable and have importance for any kind of commercial field can be an interesting task to say the least. Ebay is a great market place to sell these domains no matter what type they are.
How does your Domain taste?
Domain tasting is the practice of registering a domain with the intention of taking full advantage of ICANN's "Create Grace Period" (CGP), holding those domains for up to five days, analyzing traffic and revenue statistics over the course of that 5 day period and discarding them for a full refund if they have a lack luster performance.
How to Buy a Domain Name
One of the most important steps to building a website is finding and buying the perfect domain name. No matter what the purpose of your website, your domain name is one of the most important components to your success.
Everyday I read this question on different forums "how I sell my domain quickly?" To me earning huge income from domain and selling it quickly are two different things, and you have to select one. Many newbie register a domain in the hope that next day someone will purchase it in two million dollars, which is obviously nonsense. If you are not successful in domain business, forget everything you learn about domain trading so far and start a fresh in a scientific way. Now I explain the whole thing step by step.
Domain Acquisition
Always try to backorder an expired domain instead of registering a new one. Expired domains are already listed on search engines and most have some traffic so you can sell them on high price. If you have registered a new domain the maximum sale price of this domain will be 60$. Domain name is a highly fluctuating market so it doesn't mean that above rule is always applicable.
Never ask too much for your domain
If you want to sell your domain on an auction never ask too much in the beginning. Your customer will freak out when he will see the price tag of 10000$ for a domain which has no traffic. But there are some exceptions to this rule especially if your domain is already receiving 100,000 hits a month then ball is in your court you can demand anything for it. Domains with low or now traffic as I said shouldn't ask too much in the beginning.
Sell domain and website together
In domain name industry supply is far much than demand. Selling website with domain add a good value to your domain. If someone wants to start a forum first of all he will purchase domain name, hosting and setting up forum application. But if you are giving everything in a single price there is highly possibility of your domain sale.
Sell Domain as a package
Sometimes including different kinds of goodies with domain work really well. Few days before I sold a domain name. I included my reseller package with it which contain ebooks, scripts and software and sold whole stuff in 50$ within a week of domain registration.
Words are most important
If you are going to register a domain, make sure you have proper combination of words. For example, I registered a domain two days before everyone can easily remember it but if I use words such or I am sure it took me many months to sell this kind of domains. So domains which can be remembered easily has great chances of sell quickly
Where to sell domain name
Here are few places where you can sell domain name (Recommended) (They charge for domain listing) (Not a suitable place if your domain price is less than $300)
Payment Mechanism
I hate to mention this but if you want to sell a domain you must have paypal account. This is the only way to receive payment instantly.
About the Author
Ehsen Siraj is the owner of ElectraGaming an online gaming and video site. If you are looking for fun online don't forget to visit
Source: Domain Names Articles on
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