Where Have All the Good .coms Gone?
More Domain Names Articles
Name Your Business Not to Dos
If your business is a work at home online Internet business, or staffs several hundred in a downtown skyscraper offline, you are going to be able to increase your low cost effective marketing, promotion and company image online to succeed. To not use online promotion and exposure, in this day and age, is almost a guarantee that your business will lose sales and important recognition and emotional credits from your customers for not having a hand on the pulse of your target market for profits.
The .com Alternative
It's no secret that domain names are the new real estate, so that could explain why the domain name you're trying to register isn't available for registration using the .com extension. Don't worry about that! There is an investment quality extension available that is an outstanding alternative to the .
What's .MOBI?
Anyone can register .MOBI names and there are even nevertheless great names. Just make sure your .MOBI domain name is at least three characters long. With over 2.2 billion cell phones in use today, mobile is the wave of the future. When you register a .MOBI, you - Protect your brand from competitors who might wish to take advantage of the name recognition generated by your popular .
Mastering Arithmetic and Singapore - What's the Connection?
The name Singapore derives from two Malay words meaning "lion city." So what's the connection between this small South-East Asian country of four million and arithmetic mastery? Well for one, the Singaporean mentality toward arithmetic mastery as the stepping stone to higher mathematics is as well ingrained in their culture as apple pie and baseball is in ours.
Top Level Domains and TV
To point your audience to your video or multimedia Web site? There is no better way than with a .TV domain name. It already stands out as the two-letter TLD - Top Level Domain, so whether you need a name for your personal Web site, want to extend your brand on the internet, or simply want to share your videos with the world, .
Domain Names: What, Why, Who, and How
WHAT, exactly, is a domain name? The Domain Name System was originally developed to help us navigate through the internet. Every computer connected to the internet has it's own IP address, a string of numbers that identify it to other computers. Domain names are a way of pointing to a specific IP address to make things easier to remember - so now you shop at Amazon.
Picking a Domain Name - Fatal Mistakes to Avoid
It is a fact well known to those who know it well that choosing the right domain name can provide a huge asset to your online business. Occasionally however, it seems that the hunt for that perfect name leads some business owners to purchase domains which are open to misinterpretation or contain an outright double meaning.
The allure of the world wide web with its ability to quickly open up global markets to smart ecommerce business owners with product and services to sell but one of the drawbacks is that the good domains are gone, right? The days of quickly finding several good .com domains have all but disappeared and it's getting harder and harder to even find good domain names with less attractive extensions like .net, org, and .biz. If you don't act fast, you'll be stuck with a lowly .info domain.
If you actually believe that, think again because it's far from the truth. If you just use a little imagination and creativity, it won't take very long to find a memorable .com name for your domain but it might take a bit longer than it did a few years ago. Then again, you might be surprised to find your first choice still available.
A recent domain shopping spree left me almost shocked at how easily I found good domain names. The first domain was for an information product that demonstrates how to create, produce, and ship a DVD for free. My first choice was createdvd.com and it came as no surprise that one was taken but CreateDVDProduct.com was available. The second domain was for a DVD I created to show how simple & easy it is to create customized CD & DVD covers. This one wasn't quite as easy but it didn't take more than a few minutes before I chose DVDnCDCovers.com over many other good choices. Both of those sites are now live.
CreateVideoProduct.com is the domain I selected for a product that shows you how to create your own online video course. That domain was surprisingly easy to find too. "Webmaster Basics for Internet Entrepreneurs" at TheWebmasterBasics.com is a popular 3 volume DVD set for anyone who wants to learn the basic webmaster tasks required to run a successful Internet business. These domain names may be considered too long by some but they describe the products to a "T" and are attracting search engine traffic already.
I'm not always this lucky. Sometimes it really is difficult to find a good domain name but with some creativity you'll eventually find a good one. Try putting a letter or short word in front of your desired domain name like a or e or i or the. Use the letter n in place of the word and. Instead of an s, use a z. I did that with BlogCarnivalz.com. The key word phrase "blog carnival" is still in the domain. Use that lump on your neck and I'm sure you can think of lots of other ideas. It just isn't difficult to find good .com domain names.
About the Author
Would you like to convert your personal computer into your personal cash register? If you answered "yes," then you'll want to visit: Online Business Blog
Source: Domain Names Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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