Such a thing as bait overload?
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An Element of Perfidy
In every change of policy there's an element of perfidy. I don't know whether to laugh or sob. There's a fine line between courage and stupidity. Illinois and the election were mine in sixty till Daley ordered ballot tampering by his underworld clods. But in every change of policy there's an element of perfidy: the gangsters were rewarded with an inquisitor's decree when Jack gave Justice to his brother Bob.
How To Create A Hot Selling Internet Product That's Guaranteed To Sell In The Fa...
We all know that selling eBooks is a fantastic way of making money online. It's a business that seems to grow with every day that goes by. More and more eBooks are coming out all the time. Why? Simple. Because they work.Think about it. They can all be sent via email or instant download, yet people still say anything from Ł5-Ł49 for them.
Little Known Ways To Make More Money With EBooks
There are a myriad of free information products on the internet today, and actually looking to make some more money out of the act of 'giving' them away can be a constant source of much frustration. In conjunction with Johan Mok and Ewen Chia, Geoff Morris has compiled a list of some15 points that should remove some of these frustrations and actually start to make a deal more money foe the site owners.
Your first step to a digital publishing empire
The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That's why you have to break it down into manageable tasks. Think of climbing a mountain. You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the clouds.
How To Find Top Notch Information On Any Subject To Use When Creating A Product
When you're doing research or looking for information on a particular subject, it's a lot like a detective checking all his possible clues.The important thing is knowing who or where your sources are.In almost all instances, your first move should be to your encyclopaedia. If you don't have an up to date set, there's always your public library.
Earn A Fortune Writing "How To" Reports
HOW TO WRITE MONEY-MAKING "HOW-TO" REPORTSThis is the "real" Money Maker in the Mail Order business - the basic "How To" Report. It's something anyone can produce, and with all the proper ingredients at the right time, you can become independently wealthy! The hard part, of course, is getting all the proper ingredients at the right time.
Buying e-Books on eBay
eBay is the world's online marketplace, that enables a diverse and passionate community of individuals and small businesses to trade on a local, national and international basis. Founded in September 1995, eBay provides a platform for the sale of goods and services to more than 135 million registered members from all around the world.
As ebook publishers we constantly strive to develop new information products that we hope people will find value in, open up their wallets and graciously hand over their hard earned dollars to us in their hope of learning something new or finding an immediate solution to fix whatever problems they may be experiencing at that moment in their life. I call this a hunger for curable knowledge, a fixer upper of sorts. It is often a battle for many of us to decide on a realistic price that we believe the potential customer will perceive as fair value. We all know, at times, this can be a painstaking task. We bounce back and forth between prices, testing out the waters, trying to find just the acceptable price range to motivate the visitor to make that all important decision. It's easier said than done. As marketers we have the temptation of offering bonuses as a way to increase the perception that this info product we worked hard to develop is actually worth the price were asking. But when does this strategy reach the plateau of overkill? To the point where offering so many extra bonuses to entice the visitor to buy at the price of $27.00, instead are we not actually implanting the emotion of doubt in our visitors mind? Another difficult question to answer. As we all try our best to try and put ourselves in our customers shoes, to try and figure out what their thinking when they see our offer, but were not all psychic. Could our customers be thinking "If the author is offering this many bonus ebooks in his or her offer to entice me to buy this one ebook is the information in that ebook really worth the price?". Then there's alway's the argument that adding many bonuses to an existing offer definitely increases the chances for a sale. Raises the perceived value of course! I agree that this type of marketing does work, but only when applied to a book that we are asking a much higher price for, such as $97.00. Asking people to fork out that kind of cash can be pretty risky simply because many people can't afford the asking price, or figure it's not worth it. Whatever information that is contained in that ebook had better be hard to come by information or the percentage of refund requests could be high. To avoid this potential downfall is when offering bonuses should come into play. But the bottom line is this, if the information contained in the ebook your offering is truly valuable why bother offering a bunch of bonuses in the first place, possibly risking making your prospect suspicious? Not everyone perceives the same way. If they take the risk (and a lot of people who purchase online feel they do take risks when making a purchase) and buy your info product without any bonuses and like what they read, as long as it helped them, most of the time they won't ask for a refund, and you've made a sale and everyone's happy. Long extended no questions asked money back guarantees can be a great way of putting your prospects fears at ease, but sometimes it can backfire to. But even more importantly than offering bonuses, 1 year money back guarantees and all the rest, it's absolutely critical and probably the most important part of closing a sale is to have your contact information in plain view on your site. A place they can call and to talk to a "real person" before deciding to buy, and a physical address, not a P.O. Box. More often than not that's all that's required besides good ad copy, but I see many sites in my web surfing adventures who fall short on providing that information. As a customer would I buy from them...not a chance.
About the Author
Brian is a freelance writing covering topics of interest in the financial, health, and family arena's. He's the owner of and invites submissions of free quality ebooks to display in his growing directory.
Source: EBooks Articles on
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