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Common Pregnancy Questions

by Thomas Straub    Posted on: March 22, 2008
Let's face, whether it is your first, second, or more pregnancy, every expectant mom has questions. While the material you can find on the Internet, from healthcare professionals, and even relevant personal experience is helpful, each pregnancy is different and new situations arise all the time.

A Look At Pregnancy Week By Week

by Thomas Straub    Posted on: March 22, 2008
Especially in the early stages of pregnancy, the changes to the mother's body seem to be slow. Just because all of the many miraculous events are undetectable to the eye doesn't mean that pregnancy week by week is anything short of ever changing.

Writing Your First Ebook Is Not Really That Hard

by Jo Mark    Posted on: March 16, 2008
Would you like to write an ebook? You’ve heard about the millions that the big Guru’s are making on ebooks and you want to get a piece of that action. Many people have hopes to write that blockbuster ebook but, in most cases, their dreams never come to fruition.

War Fiction Books- Thrilling and Adventurous

by Alden Jerry    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Fiction is defined as that genre of literary works that describes imaginary people and events. An avid book reader can find wide variety of fiction books in the market these days. Kids and grown ups like this genre of books, as they depict their hidden desires.

How To Double The Price Of Your Ebook And Increase Sales

by Jo Mark    Posted on: March 15, 2008
If you are planning on writing an ebook, you know that it takes lots of research to put together a quality product. One way that many people do research is by doing interviews with people who are respected in the field.

Why E-book Called The Viral Salesman

by Jaime Parmis    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Why E-book Called The Viral Salesman By: Jaime Parmis E-books are the future and the future is now. The printed word on paper and bound into books used to be the only way information was given and received.

Forex Power Trader: The Truth Behind New Forex Power Trader e-Book

by Veda Kalidas    Posted on: March 15, 2008
You may be asking yourself, “What is Forex? And for that matter what is Forex Power Trader and why should I care?” For those who don’t know Forex, which stands for foreign exchange, refers to the foreign currency exchange market.

ePublishing - A beneficial way to publish your documents

by George Barry    Posted on: March 14, 2008
Everybody loves to make money and nowadays it is just as easy as internet surfing. In fact, for some people internet has become a prime source to earn money. Internet has now begun to dominate us. In every facet of life we need internet, and even regular income through the web is an emerging concept.

Easy Method To Write Your First Ebook

by Jo Mark    Posted on: March 14, 2008
Would you like to write your own ebook? All of the big Internet Guru's have ebooks out there that they are selling. It is one of their primary sources of income. Some ebooks have 150 to 250 pages. If you are planning on writing your first ebook, you should make it a little smaller than 150 pages.

How to Get More JV Partners and Super-Affiliates to Promote Your Website

by T.M. Harris    Posted on: March 13, 2008
If you have your own ebook, I'm sure you've heard of how you should use affiliate programs to get others to promote your ebook. I'm not going to insult your intelligence by assuming that you have no idea what I'm talking about.
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