
The Real Straight Shooter Reviewed

Posted by: Robert R Parker    Posted on: November 2, 2006

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Are you ready for the "real deal?"

The headline of the site reads "Imagine Waking Up Richer Than Britney's Spears." When I first read this headline at learntherealdeal I could not stop laughing. I didn't think in anyway that the site could be serious. The more I read on, the more I was drawn into it. From the pictures presented as proof, to the testimonials by possible movie characters, I thought what's next? Every time I return to the Real Straight Shooter's site I see something I missed the first time.

I signed up to receive free information and soon afterwards became hooked. The tips were different from the usual rehashing about Google and managing email lists. It was easy to see that this person was going out of their way to tell me things I needed to know rather then only what I wanted to hear. Using a name such as "Real Straight Shooter," makes total sense.

Is the Real Straight Shooter's program different from every other online marketing course?

Yes, drastically different. It's not the same old "buy my program so you can sell my program" offer that litters the Internet and fills my email inbox everyday. It didn't take a licensed detective to see that the site looked as if the webmaster had completely gone off the deep end. The Real Straight Shooter claims to have used such a unique style to get my attention and he was right, it worked.

After reading email tips for a week I decided to splurge one night and give it a try. I really liked that the program was written in a tell-all-and-hold-nothing-back style. A lot of products are designed to influence people into making ongoing purchases as they continue to learn. The Real Straight Shooter program is the first program I've ever read that gave me immediate direction. He skipped all the hype, fluff, and filler along with pointless self loathing many online marketers engage in.

His ongoing support is turning the online marketing community upside down. Unlike every single so called Internet expert, this guy actually took the time to draw up an entire marketing plan for me based upon my ideas.

After reading the program not only was I impressed, I learned how detrimental traffic to any site is online and how if you create your own Websites and pre think your marketing strategy, webmasters will fall over each other to send traffic to your site. He explained very well what captures people's interests online and why to think about your marketing strategy long before you build a Website or choose an affiliate program.

Experienced affiliates will get a kick out of his affiliate page too. Some banner ads have monkeys that mock the whole work-at-home (by doing nothing) industry. I liked his marketing perspective for the program as well. The program seems to give CB affiliates the upper hand by drastically reducing their PPC keyword costs. Finding high converting keywords for cheap is usually like looking for a needle in a haystack with any affiliate program. This is the first program I've seen that allows anyone to cash in by simply exposing new online scams. Popular forums about business and business scams reveal great keyword choices. The link to the affiliate page is hidden at the bottom of the privacy/legal page. If you're experienced with Adwords you'll appreciate how easy and inexpensive it is to find high converting keywords.

Bottom Line, Is "The Real Deal" Worth It?

If you know a little bit about Adwords, Adsense, and Affiliate programs I know you'll greatly appreciate how the Real Straight Shooter connects all the dots. Want basic information? Try his free newsletter. If more advanced tips are what you're hot for, I would definitely recommend reading his program. Unlike what every program claims, this one is, a real deal.

Visit Learn the real deal

About the Author

Robert Parker is a professional online marketer and IT consultant. He has spent the majority of his carreer managing network and data bases for large OEM IT firms. Robert became self-employed after an economic downturn. He now enjoys the luxury of working at home with his wife and family

Source: EBooks Articles on

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