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I was lucky today. I was travelling through St Helens on the A58 towards the A580 and approaching a bend to my right. Luckily it's a wide open bend with a reasonable view round the corner. I spotted a biker's helmet behind a car coming towards me and I thought "He's gonna overtake that bleeding car!!".
Numerology and Recurring Numbers
Numerology and Recurring Numbers Do you keep seeing a particular number and wonder why? Or do you have a number you consider "lucky"? I've heard many stories of people for whom a particular number keeps coming up in their life - whether it is looking at the clock and the digits always say xx:11 or xx:22.
Candle Magic
Probably since the first candle was lit by an early Egyptian (or Roman, depending on how picky you want to be about what makes a "candle") candles have been a part of ritual and magic. The ancient peoples considered the flame a live entity and the light and warmth it shed energy which added to the energy of the people, or the spellcaster, to take their prayers to the rulers of the universe.
Colors and Magic
Colors and Magic Almost every teacher of wisdom, every psychic, astrologer, or New Age philosopher, and a good many artists and fashion, and interior designers will tell you that colors have a profound effect on our moods and emotions. It is only natural that colors have the same effects on magic, rituals, and spellwork.
Are pets psychic?
Are Animals Psychic? Because psychic abilities cannot be quantified or measured on any machine man has so far created, "hard" scientists prefer to say it therefore cannot exist. Thus, when it comes to psychic abilities, we are in the realm of belief rather than hard proof. I, personally, strongly believe in psychic abilities among our animal friends.
Black Is White
This is purely for the sake of argument, not to be taken too seriously. Can I prove black is white? Of course I can. To do this we must first learn a little about the basics of colour before I can argue the case. If a light from a bulb is white it means it is emitting all three primary colours, red, green and blue.
Behind The Tarot - The Lovers
Card number six of the Major Arcana, The Lovers stands as a unique example of deeper meanings. One of the few cards in the deck often disputed over, The Lovers is symbology at its best, the more dense roots of divination becoming clear only to those who open their minds to see. When we talk about the meaning of the tarot or the symbols they "should" allow the card reader to see, in the beginning when you first start out, it's best to begin with instinct.
As most of us spend a great deal of time in our homes, your house number is of great significance and has a strong influence on your life.
According to the ancient art of numerology, significant numbers radiate their own energy and can determine whether or not we feel happy in our surroundings.
Calculating your house numerology number is simple and the purpose is to reduce it down to just one digit. Here's how:-
For example, if you live at 193, add together 1+9+3 = 13 = 1+3 =4 (your numerology house number) If it's already a single digit such as 6, there is of course no need to do any sums.
Once you've worked out your house number find out what it reveals in the descriptions below:-
Number 1
This house provides a stimulating place for creativity and enterprise.Individuals living here may be inclined to start their own business and would probably find success working from home.
Number 2
This house is ideal for kind, charming people. They enjoy socializing and would love having friends over for dinner. A soft simple interior with pastel walls and furnishing would enhance the peaceful atmosphere
Number 3
This is a happy house that encourages celebration. It's ideal for large families or those with lots of friends. Comfortable and beautiful it can may bring out the need for extravagance of its inhabitants.
Number 4
Common sense rules in this house. A structured routine is often followed closely and the house runs like clockwork. Harmony is achieved when all family members contribute to keeping the place tidy.
Number 5
This house if a buzz of activity and often there is no routine or rules. It can be a little crazy at times but always interesting! Children will thrive here.
Number 6
Family ties are of great importance in this house. Traditions are respected and time devoted to children, pets and extended family. Caring and sharing should be the philosophy here.
Number 7
This home can be a peaceful retreat for those who need to escape the pressures of the world. It's ideal for people who like to be alone and would like time and space to explore the spirtual realm.
Number 8
This home is ideal for confident individuals or someone who holds a position of responsibility. Nothing but the best interior designs and furnishing will do here. This home likes to make a positive impression.
Number 9
This home favours those with patience and compassion. Life's misfits are drawn here and will find a welcoming reception from it's owners. It is often owned by those who have an appreciation of the Arts. This house is filled with beauty and encourages both idealism and honesty.
So does your house number bring out the best in your personality or could there be room for improvement?
copyright Linda Preston 2007
About the Author
Linda Preston works as a professional psychic and has been featured positively in national women's magazines and also as an expert guest on the paranormal on various Radio Shows. She lives in the N.W. of the UK and can be contacted for email readings or queries at her web address
Source: Metaphysical Articles on
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