Psychics can't believe the growth in their popularity
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Your Life is a Reflection of Your Thoughts
Did you know that everything in your life is a reflection of your thoughts? This particular phrase is a hard pill to swallow as some can't grasp the "thought" that their thoughts caused the bank to make an error, or their significant other to break up with them. But it's true and is nothing to feel badly about; it's actually a very freeing thought because it means that you can create any situation for yourself that you desire.
Daily Astrology for the Week of February 4, 2008 - General Tendencies for All Su...
Mon 2/4/08 Busy and Creative Morning - Quiet Evening The day could start out rather busy, and we may be in the mood to do some redecorating early this morning (wee hours of the morning west coast). We may be feeling exceptionally creative late morning into early afternoon (mid morning west coast), but we need to get important projects done early.
Gurdjieff Updated Ancient Wisdom Part 2
Gurdjieff Part 2 G.I. Gurdjieff, (January 13, 1866 - October 29, 1949), was an Armenian - Greek mystic, a teacher of sacred dances and a Spiritual teacher. His work is called, "The Work," and it is referred to as the fourth way. I will take some of Gurdjieff's teachings and update them using the Laws of Quantum Physics.
Proving the Law of Attraction
These days, in order to prove an existence of anything, there has to be some physical evidence of some sort to be deemed "scientifically tested." With gravity, while we can't actually see its force with our eyes, it is obvious that it exists because the undeniable result is "what comes up, must come down.
Hidden Viking History Stonehendge Part 8
Hidden History Stonehenge Part 8 During the Megalithic Culture gigantic circles of stones appeared. They are found on the islands and coast lands of North Western Europe. They are also found on the Canary Islands and North Africa. The stones were erected in the shape of concentric circles and spiral patterns.
How to Enhance Your Moon in Aquarius
Moon Crystal: Clear Quartz This crystal can take on the energies of the person that wears them, it can also be programmed for each individual persons needs and/or wants, and it can balance out static energies which can clear out fear of change. When your moon is Aquarius you tend to be eccentric, original and independent.
Taurus + Saturn in Virgo Astrological Prediction
Taurus Saturn Forecast 2008 Saturn is one of the more powerful planets, that affect life on Earth. It is the ruler of time and structure. Some of the older astrologers called Saturn the "Grim Reaper," because when he passes through one of your houses he swings his mighty Scythe and cuts loose useless things in your life.
Jenny pulled a card from her tarot card deck. "The Four of Swords -- it's shown itself again," she said with a sigh. "I feel like there's a two-month period you're waiting for." The beneficiary of Jenny's tarot reading, Samantha, had indeed just landed a temporary two-month job as an office manager in Sydney, to tide her over until University started. Some may say that Jenny may have made a lucky guess, but more and more people are beginning to believe otherwise. In this unpredictable world, psychics are busier than ever. Psychic readings are indeed changing said tarot reader Jenny. "I see more interest in long-range planning instead of love and 'will I live happily ever after?'" Belief in the paranormal has also spread well beyond the small communities it use to be used in. A recent Gallup poll found that one in two Americans believes in extrasensory perception. Fifty-four percent believe in psychic or spiritual healing, and almost three in 10 say they believe in witches and the figures are higher for Australia. "It's changing fast," says Jenny, a psychic reader for the Universal Psychic Guild, the largest of its type in the world. "We used to just get calls from a small circle of people who knew what we did and relied upon it, now its completely different. We have thousands of callers calling from all sorts of backgrounds and many many more professional people who are using our services to plan everything in their lives from business decisions to finding the right partner. "We all knew that the world was becoming more spiritual, but none of us expected it to change so fast and for psychics to become so popular. "I now have over 200 people I speak with on a weekly basis." You can speak to Jenny and other psychics by logging onto The Universal Psychic Guild.
About the Author
Elspeth has been studying psychic and clairvoyant reders and other areas of spirituality for over 25 years and has an indepth knowledge of Metaphysics
Source: Metaphysical Articles on
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Law of Attraction - How to Master it
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Law of Attraction " Get Very Angry!
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Saturn Trine Pluto - Moral Values to Extremes - Ready to Die for Our Convictions
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3 Keys to Manifesting Abundance Now
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Daily Astrology for the Week of March 31, 2008 - General Tendencies for All Sun ...
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Dream Propesy and What it Could Mean for YOU
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How I Manifested One Thousand Dollars in Thirty Minutes
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How You can Manifest Ten Thousand Dollars in Thirty Days
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Law of Attraction - How to Handle a Recession
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Laws of Attraction - Master the Alchemy of Money
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Manifest a Mind over Money Attitude
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The Law of Abundance - Increase You Money Magnetism
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The Spirit & The Conversation With God
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Lifes Simple Abundance
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What happens to suicide cases after death?
The innumerable recorded cases of past life experiences are proof of the concept of life after death. In all the recorded cases of rebirth, it was found that there was a variable time lag between the death of the person and his next birth on Earth.