3 Simple Techniques To Add People To Your Business That Your Upline Won't Tell Y...
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Historical Congestions Freeing The Mind
Oppressor of self, the dignity among the inner philosophy Of which one stands, standing upon the darken light, when truth speaks; The sanctuary of confession, fly your banner Upon the skies, the light shall not shine, and under the micro sonic intentions that is man; The cry out loud, there shall be no voices, until the inner self Speaks out; Peace, Peace, Peace be still, Brothers of progression, silence in retribution, each century, the voice becomes quieter in the emancipation of freeing self-restrictions, Liberty shall no longer hold the torch, one must free the Inner self, from the roaring fire, Each year has seen you my brothers progressing, never to sink to that level again.
Author]s Survival
Authors Survival To be an author of the present, and never speaking of the past, the mind cannot conceive the true meaning of historical aesthetics; the source of my instilment details, of the struggles just to stay alive, through indignation, betrayed into the dangerous character of an Author, I sought among the prosperity, to de program the destructions of a tube legations that toxins the mind, a free chose of birth, that constitute my liberty to speak, the army is not an army, when the warrior fights among each other, and the people suffer from the addictive addiction for power, what is revolution? When the windows are closed in, and there is no link, the miss conception of passage, Salvatore of righteousness; the loyalty died when the hero performed miracles.
10 top tips for writing a super responsive ezine.
One of the most often asked questions that I see is 'how can I write an ezine that people will want to read.' Anyone can tell you that there is 'money in the list' but how do you create a list of readers who are happy to send money in your direction? After all, if they don't want to read your newsletter, (I tend to use the words newsletter and ezine interchangeably) your 'list' is pretty worthless! Over 650 issues of my ezine, Kickstart Today -
7 Cool Swap Ideas For Ezine Publishers
1. Swap ads. Start your ad off with a winning headline that will catch your reader's attention. Then follow up your headline with ad copy that interests and leads your reader to want to join you. Stress the benefits your reader will get from her subscription to your ezine. Lastly, end your ad with a call to action that directs your reader to join your ezine.
Champagne Diamonds-The Three C's
Champagne Diamonds- The three C's Biggest Fashion statement and Trend-Setter of year 2004 and now 2005. If you do not believe this, then just rewind the tape of 2004 Academy awards function and watch the famous celebrities walk by through the red carpet who have especially adorned Champagne Diamonds, to add more intensity to their own beauty and the function.
"Successful Newsletter Publishing: How to Keep Your Focus on What Matter...
The other day, I was having an email conversation with a friend about business goals. She mentioned that she'd started a book only to realize she didn't want to write one *right now* after all. She had mixed feelings about the decision, though. After all, *everyone* says a good consultant *must* write a book.
Avoid the Stresses of Working from Home
The Stresses of Working from Home. Good-Bye Commuting And Workplace Pressure. Hello Isolation, Lazy Habits And Confused Kids. International Stress-Guru Carole Spiers Analyses The Freedom And Slavery Of The Home Working Life for the newsletter INSPIRED! Dedicated to the success of the 500,000 direct sellers in the UK www.
Number 1 - promote your product, not your opportunity. This is not what you are taught when you attend your weekly 'Opportunity' meetings. Your company is based on a good product or service, or you wouldn't be involved with it. Be passionate about your product or service, and build your marketing campaign around the value and benefits of consuming that product or service. You need your prospects to become customers first; customers who will become passionate about your product or service, and who will then continue to be consumers. If prospects join your business based on the opportunity alone, what is going to happen if they don't start making money right away? They give up and you will have to go and find someone else to replace them; and so the cycle continues.
Number 2 - Master a tool that allows you to connect with the most amount of people, in the shortest amount of time, for the least amount of money. That tool is the telephone. How many people can you take to a weekly opportunity meeting? How many people can you talk to on the telephone in 2 hours, using a script that takes just a few minutes to complete, with a list of people who already want what you have to offer? And I'm not talking about your friends and family. If they wanted what you have to offer they would have jumped right in the first time you offered it. So, why are you wasting your time trying to convince them?
Number 3 - Position yourself as the expert. Forget 3 way calls with your upline and taking prospects to listen to someone else at an opportunity meeting. Become the leader in your business and have people listen to you. Learn all the skills you need to grow your own business from prospecting through to closing and be the CEO of your business. Grow your business for your benefit, not your company's benefit.
Most network marketing companies teach you methods that work for them, not you. Think about it this way. If your upline has 100 distributors who each bring 1 prospect a week to an opportunity meeting, and 50% of those prospects join the business, then your upline has grown their business by 50 people a week. On the other hand, half of those 100 distributors have grown their businesses by just 1 person a week. Which side of that fence would you rather be on? If the techniques taught by most companies really work, then why do more than 90% of network marketers fail to achieve a significant income. In fact, most people who walk the trail of tears do so with the heavy burden of an overloaded credit card. A debt that will take years to clear due to the huge number of DVD's, brochures, catalogues, etc. purchased to grow the business for someone else, certainly not the individual. If you are serious about growing your business, then forget about your list of friends and family, 3 way-calling, and opportunity meetings. Don't waste your time talking to everyone you meet about your opportunity; most of them simply are not interested and won't stay in your business long if they do join.
Master the 3 techniques above, and grow your business for your own benefit, not the benefit of your company.
About the Author
Bill Shaw is a qualified Graduate in the Art and Science of Marketing. Bill works with distributors in the USA and internationally. Visit Bill's website to see the guarantees for your success at http://www.homebizrepair.com or call
Source: Newsletters Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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Just take a moment to consider, are you really proud of the content you use for ...
We are repeatedly told by Internet marketers that content is the most important aspect of any site. Google is getting smarter and before too long it will stop listing every duplicate content page it finds and I am sure those guys at Google HQ will find some way of making a red flag stick! More Unique Content Articles Than You Could Use in a Lifetime What if you can get someone to write almost unlimited pages of unique content that has never been published anywhere in the world, just for you! At this point you be thinking I have gone mad but what I have said is completely true and if you want your web marketing projects to take off then this is exactly what you need.
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