Donation Box Fundraising
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Fundraising Tips for your Favorite Charity
Fundraising is truly an art. People always want to help but they often times run out of money before they run out of time. This is where fundraising comes in. Fundraising can be easy and fun when you follow a few simple ideas and make the fundraiser fun for every one involved. Here are seven tips to get your next fundraiser started.
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How to Win Hearts: Trust Building in Community Outreach Work
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Fundraising can take up a lot of time. Volunteers and paid staff at a church or non-profit organization can quickly find themselves spending a great deal of time planning fundraisers and implementing fundraisers. This time expenditure can be lessened by a simple placement of donation boxes.
Donation boxes are small boxes that are often times seen at convenience stores and supermarkets where you can drop in your extra coins and the coins will go to help a worthy cause. Most often fundraising donation boxes are found next to cash registers where people are likely to be paying for purchased items.
These donation boxes are a great way to fundraise with minimal effort. What needs to be done to start a donation box fundraiser is first to identify possible locations to place your fundraising boxes. Once you have listed out a large number of locations that you would like to request to allow you to place your donation boxes for your fundraiser it is time to make the boxes.
You can purchase donation boxes that are professional looking and have all your information printed on the label or you can make your donation boxes. If you choose to make donation boxes for your fundraiser this is a great way to get your supporters or youth involved. Your youth and supporters can make and decorate your donation boxes with all your fundraising information clearly labeled.
After you have your donation boxes made for your fundraiser it is time to go and ask the merchants you selected if they are willing to place your donation boxes next to their checkouts. You will want to be sure that you are always polite and well dressed as well as have a full understanding of why you are fundraising. If the fundraiser is for a church or mission youth group have the youth and an adult do the leg work. This will put a face to the fundraiser and help the merchants to back your fundraising efforts.
Once you have placed your fundraising donation boxes within the stores of your local merchants it is imperative to send a thank you. Thank you notes will remind the merchants of your fundraiser and show that you really do appreciate them allowing you to use their store as part of your fundraiser.
About the Author
Shauna Hanus of builds and maintains fundraising websites for churches and small ministries. Shauna has years of experience building websites and internet marketing. For more information on how to get a free fundraising website for your church visit
Source: Non-Profit Articles on
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