
Non-Profit Articles

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Non-profit...Or Not Just Not Profiting?

by martin f. perez    Posted on: March 28, 2008
Do you run a church or non-profit organization Is your organization donation-based Is your company a 501(C)3 If you run a non-profit, you might be surprised at the changes in landscape that can help you create an online experience that would even surpass secular businesses.

Youth Peace Project

by Vicki Tate    Posted on: March 23, 2008
YOUTH PEACE PROJECT Our community peace project this year is a Youth Arts and Entrepreneur Conference. The theme of the conference is My Future is Bright Because... Young people from grades 4 to 12 will bring their own designs and learn how to use a heat press and button maker to manufacture their own t-shirts and buttons.

Fighting the War for Talent: Retaining Generation Y in the Nonprofit Sector

by Rosetta Thurman    Posted on: March 22, 2008
Educated. Tech-Savvy. Idealistic. Self-Absorbed. The "Me" Generation. Impatient. Call us what you want, but Generation Y (made up of 70 million people born between 1977 and 2002) is indeed the future of the workplace in America, and undoubtedly comprises the next generation of nonprofit leaders.

Seasonal Fundraising Ideas

by Deane Brengle    Posted on: March 15, 2008
The calendar can provide some great inspiration when looking for fundraising ideas for your group. The changing seasons, holidays and other calendar related events can create good opportunities for fundraisers that can be repeated year after year.
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Wish List Fundraiser

by Deane Brengle    Posted on: March 15, 2008
"Wish list fundraiser" could be considered to be a misnomer. When you create a wish list for your nonprofit group and receive a contribution from it, have you created a new fundraising source or saved yourself from spending your hard earned fundraising dollars Actually .
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Product Fundraising in the Workplace vs. Office Etiquette

by Deane Brengle    Posted on: March 15, 2008
A recent phone call from a Los Angeles Times reporter for some back ground information (yeah, I was kind of amazed too) got me thinking on this subject. But given the time of year it's relevant to think about and go over some of the issues involved.
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Recycle Printer Cartridges & Cell Phones Fundraiser

by Deane Brengle    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Most folks wouldn't dream that recycling something they normally throw away could be a very lucrative fundraiser. You would be overlooking a great new low impact fundraiser if you ignore the potential untapped profit a printer cartridge and cell phone recycling fundraiser could be earning for your group.
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Rebate Fundraisers

by Deane Brengle    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Twenty years ago nobody would have thought that by just doing your day-to-day shopping for groceries you could be fundraising for your group. Or that your usual shopping for household and business items could be generating money for your nonprofit too.
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Fundraising with Cookbooks

by Deane Brengle    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Cookbooks have been popular fundraisers for years. They started out with church and women's groups and have now spread like wildfire. It's because they can be produced by almost any size group, club, team, or nonprofit organization.
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Bill MacKenzie to Speak at Celebrate Tualatin

by Shelly Jones    Posted on: March 11, 2008
For more information, contact: Shelly Jones, MEDIA ALERT Bill MacKenzie to Speak at Celebrate Tualatin January 29, 2008 (Tualatin, OR) The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that Bill MacKenzie, Communications Manager for Intel Texas and Intel Oregon, will be the speaker at the "Celebrate Tualatin" volunteer recognition dinner on April 17, 2008 at the Tualatin Country Club (9145 SW Tualatin Road, Tualatin, OR 97062).
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