Youth Peace Project
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Nuovo spazio espositivo A.W.A. INTERNATIONAL ad Augusta
Si inaugura sabato 21 aprile alle 18,00 ad Augusta il nuovo Centro Studi per l'Arte Contemporanea dell'Associazione Culturale A.W.A. International (International Academy of World Art), organizzazione diretta da Raimondo Raimondi, esponente di spicco del mondo artistico e culturale e noto critico d'arte militante.
Using the Best Resources for Your Non-profit Organization
Knowing who the sources of money are likely to be for your non-profit, you will want to figure out how to contact the largest amount of them most effectively. You will of course want to know where to find the donors that can help your group succeed. There are several ways to get in touch with the groups and people who can help you: The library: Well before you start your fundraising efforts, you will want to frequent your local library.
FastTrack Fundraising Program
Groups looking for money to run special events or make special purchases will be glad to know that there are fund-raising services that will help them in their endeavors. Fasttrack Fundraising, for example, is a group of people working together to help non-profit groups raise needed funds and understand the importance of fundraising and also the challenges.
International Academy of World Art
E' costituita l'Associazione culturale denominata " A.W.A. INTERNATIONAL" ( International Academy of World Art). L'Associazione ha sede nel Comune di Siracusa, per ora in Corso Matteotti n. 64. E' retta dal presente Statuto in ottemperanza e nei limiti di quanto stabilito dalle norme generali dell'ordinamento giuridico italiano, oltre che a norma della Legge Regionale n° 22/94 che le consente di essere considerata Onlus (Organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità sociale) e inserirsi all'art.
Aspiring Not To Lead-The Glory and the Guts
As a boy I was in Boy Scouts. And since then I've spent a good part of my life in the program - once in a professional capacity then later when my son joined our local pack, then troop. I still volunteer today. Like me, I'll bet that you know a number of Eagle Scouts. Even if you don't think so, I'm sure you do.
Cosmetics Fundraising the Beauty Within
Car washes and cookie dough are old hat when it comes to fundraising. If you are looking for a new and exciting way to fundraise how about selling cosmetics. Women love the stuff, lip gloss, blush, eye shadow all the basics can be part of a fantastic fundraiser. As with any type of selling campaign you need to have a few basics points considered before you launch into your cosmetic fundraiser.
Making Your Profits Soar with Fundraising Sales
Fundraising is an every day occurrence for so many churches today. There are a variety of different types of church fundraisers available today with the selling of products being one of the most popular. What you sell is only a portion of what is important when you are having a fundraiser. The way you sell is equally as important if not more to make your profits soar with a sales type fundraiser.
Our community peace project this year is a Youth Arts and Entrepreneur Conference. The theme of the conference is My Future is Bright Because... Young people from grades 4 to 12 will bring their own designs and learn how to use a heat press and button maker to manufacture their own t-shirts and buttons. They will work as a team and have the experience of running their own company.
Through out the day participants will go through the entrepreneur cycle of design, manufacturing, marketing, and sales. The students will earn youth designed biz bucks and be able to shop with their biz bucks and buy prizes at a youth run general store at the conference. This project is sponsored by Department of Human Services Prevention Department.
Plans are in the works for this community peace project to extend to a summer camp. Youth will meet twice a week and get a more in depth training in business and the arts. One day will be for business training hosted by the Empowerment Group. Their expertise is to help people develop a business idea that could earn a profit while making a positive impact in the community.
The other day they will meet to work on their art and manufacture their product line. They will also learn computer skills to develop their own marketing materials. By the end of the summer they will have a brochure completed and be able to take orders from their families and neighbors.
Once a month we've been hosting a community peace festival. Gospel rap artist and local youth entertainment put on a fantastic show. The kids really like the rap beat and the adults are glad that they are listening to a positive message. I suppose it is a win win situation. The MC Damon Morgan let the kids win cds form the rappers. The youth enjoy this and even some of the youngest participants have the material memorized in a week.
We have an off line news letter titled Peace Press where there are lots of pictures of the activities and information about college scholarships and even money available for students getting As and Bs in high school.
The anticipated outcomes for all this is that youth will realize peaceful solutions to help develop their own community by defining and developing their own dreams. . Even though we are in a so called distressed neighborhood. We strongly believe the wealth inside will create the peace we seek.
About the Author
Community Worker former missionary Interest: youth,community development arts, business and investing
Source: Non-Profit Articles on
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Youth Peace Project
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