
Shipping Services to your Address in Europe

Posted by: Howard Giske    Posted on: February 16, 2008

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Isn't it amazing that you can buy things in the United States now, without any difficulty from Europe and other international trade points. Deliver them to you, using Shipping Services. Get yourself into the American internet shopping market to take advantage of cheaper goods available in the United States. Over the last eight years, the value of the dollar has declined against the Euro by almost 50-percent. That is why some call the Euro, the Teuro (in German- teuro sounds like "expensive"). Many charges and taxes in Europe don't exist in the free enterprise paradise of the United States, and hopefully it will stay that way. Meanwhile, you might as well take advantage of a ton of good deals that wait for you. Some people travel to cities such as New York and Los Angeles to go on a shopping spree in person and see the sights. While this is a pleasant vacation, and a fun time guaranteed for the family, hotel costs and meals, not to mentioned airplane flights can quickly add up. So is there an alternative to flying to the United States? You can buy U.S. products online.

Previously, this was difficult because the cost of shipping multiple small items was prohibitive, or impossible, but now a new service changes that. It's amazing that now with shipping services and mail-forwarding services, you can have a regular shipping address in the United States, and have your internet orders shipped to that address. You get a real street address with an apartment number, not a post office box. Your internet orders to there are then reshipped to Europe. You get the savings increased by having multiple small item purchases, such as electronic goods, clothing, etc, shipped out together in one package for low rates. There's a small repackaging fee for multiple orders, plus actual shipping cost.

Items such as MP3 players, cameras, computers and other electronic goods can be considerably cheaper in the United States. This service addresses all sorts of problems previously insoluble. Face it, with the bureaucracy of changing currency and doing international shipping, many companies that advertise on the Internet in the United States simply will not ship overseas at all. You can get U.S. purchases forwarded to your European address from companies who normally won't deal with the hassle. You can do it as a one-time per package deal. It gets more interesting if you are a multi-package buyer. You rent a virtual address and mailbox for a small yearly fee. Then up to five packages can be repackaged in one large package. For the squeamish in giving out their credit card to pay for things internationally online, services can be provided to buy the item you want and ship it to your address in Europe. You can pay by wire transfer.

Or what if you want to do the reverse and sell your products in the U.S.? The same shipping services can store your international products in a U.S. warehouse, and then when you get orders, ship them to points across the United States. What a quick and inexpensive way to set up your business in the U.S. market. From the warehouse, you can ship by USPS, FedEx or DHL.

About the Author

Howard Giske writes about business services including Shipping Services.

Source: Sales Articles on

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