

Posted by: PRASHANTKUMAR KUDLI SHRINIVAS    Posted on: August 13, 2006

More Science Articles

The Meaning of Color
Where does color exist you may ask Some might say that color exists in the surface of objects or the texture of things. Well whatever you may think, let me tell you what the real answer is. Color exists in the eye of the beholder. Color is generated behind your eye and in the brain of each individual.

Private-Public Sector Partnership Necessary in Biotechnology Research
There are very interesting developments in the field of agricultural biotechnology currently taking place in India. The Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (Mahyco) has offered to transfer the technology and basic breeding material of Bt Brinjal, a low calorie vegetable widely grown in India, to two public sector institutions; The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (TNAU) and the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (UASD).

I Was Abducted - Or Was I
Yes, I can now possibly add aliens to my list of paranormal experiences. I was abducted last night! But let's look at how it all happened and we'll decide from there whether we're to believe it or not - myself included. Before the Abduction So how did this happen Well, I had spent a couple hours before going to bed in a strong paranormal mood.

Controversial Research: Embryonic Stem Cells and Obesity Vaccines
In the field of biomedical research, people are often excited when the results of their research are controversial. It evoked limited attention when Cell, a scientific journal in the US, recently reported that some Japanese scientists at Kyoto University claimed that four genes or factors transformed mouse cells to act like ESCs (Embryonic Stem Cells).

Modern UV-VIS Spectroscopy: A Decade of Fiber-Optic CCD Array Spectrophotome...
Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy continues to be one of the core disciplines practiced in nearly every analytical laboratory. Since its inception by Cary and Beckman in the 1940s, UV-VIS spectroscopy has revolutionized the field of molecular spectroscopy. Over the decades, numerous improvements have been made with respect to optical designs, including dual-beam optics, variable slit resolution, noise suppression, and integrated electronics.

The Process of Sleep in Humans
Many of us really enjoy falling into bed and drifting off to sleep, particularly after a hard days work. How many of us know what our body goes through during this seemingly simple period of inactivity Up to the 1950's sleep was regarded as a time when a persons body and mind shut down for the night.

Astronomy Real Star Power
Astronomy has to be one the most humbling of all subjects to study. Just the thought of our universe, being like a grain of sand in a sandy shore of universes, is enough to make me want to crawl back under the sheets. Everything just seems so immense, andbeyond comprehension. Where does it end Is it possible to get to the end of space Astronomy tries to come up those answers.


Cardamom oil is an essential component of the fragrances. Natural oil is very expensive, but it can be substituted by the following blend. It works-out cheaper and the aroma is quite close to the natural oil. This blend can be used as a direct replacement of the natural oil in fragrance formulations. All the components mentioned in the formula are available in the market. They have to be mixed in the weight proportion as mentioned in the formula.The cost of this blend will be one third of the natural oil.






1,8- CENEOL 31











GERANIOL-[90:10] 0.27


GERANYL ACETATE-[90:10] 0.08




About the Author

Dr.Prashantkumar Kudli Shrinivas is having 12 years industrial experience in Aroma chemicals and Perfumery & Flavour formulations. He is also a permanent member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers & NMR Association of India. He is presently working as Manager-Research& Development in Privi Organics Limited,,India. E-mail:

Source: Science Articles on

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Context, Background, Meaning - Part II
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Context, Background, Meaning - Part I
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Butterfly Kits for School and Home
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Arthur C. Clarke: Brilliant Visions But Bad Scientific Blunders
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Science and Environment: From Nothing, to Thing, to Something
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Homeschooling Tips For Parents - How To Make Homeschooling Easier
Homeschooling, being responsible for the education of your child is not as easy as it may seem. It is true that you have more freedom to schedule your child's schooling, but the responsibility must not be underestimated.

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