Science Articles
Context, Background, Meaning - Part II
by Sam Vaknin Posted on: March 31, 2008
II. Meaning and Language: it's all in the Mind Many theories of meaning are contextualist and proffer rules that connect sentence type and context of use to referents of singular terms (such as egocentric particulars), truth-values of sentences and the force of utterances and other linguistic acts.
Context, Background, Meaning - Part I
by Sam Vaknin Posted on: March 31, 2008
I. The Meaning-Egg and the Context-chicken Did the Laws of Nature precede Nature or were they created with it, in the Big Bang In other words, did they provide Nature with the context in which it unfolded Some, like Max Tegmark, an MIT cosmologist, go as far as to say that mathematics is not merely the language which we use to describe the Universe - it is the Universe itself.
Common Problems with Psychological Laboratory Tests
by Sam Vaknin Posted on: March 31, 2008
Psychological laboratory tests suffer from a series of common philosophical, methodological, and design problems. A. Philosophical and Design Aspects Ethical â€" Experiments involve the patient and others.
Car Insurance: Driving on the Moon
by Mark Lauterwein Posted on: March 28, 2008
The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was developed to ease the burden on astronauts encased in their bulky suits. It was deployed in three of the latter Apollo missions (Apollo 15, 16 & 17). With a top speed of barely 10mph and a total range of around 70 miles it sounds underwhelming.
Interesting Facts About Reptiles
by Brandon Cornett Posted on: March 26, 2008
This article illustrates the amazing diversity found within the animal kingdom. Below, I have compiled what I feel are some of the most interesting facts about reptiles and their behavior. Interesting Reptile Facts There are more than 8,000 species of reptiles on the planet, and the live on every continent except Antarctica (where it is too cold).
Butterfly Kits for School and Home
by Lee Walder Posted on: March 26, 2008
What exactly are butterfly kits and what do you do with them I guess most children want to 'grow their own butterflies' and I suspect a good many adults would like too as well (I'm putting my hand up in the air unashamedly at this point).
Parts Of My Chariot
by Ajeet Khurana Posted on: March 25, 2008
Once when I was flying, I happened to glance over a magazine, which had aircraft photographs. There were many of them and all were different in some or the other way. Some were big while others were small.
How To Dispose Electrical Items
by Ajeet Khurana Posted on: March 25, 2008
Article At times we find ourselves in situations where we can't get rid of certain things in life and electrical items are one of them. We tend to buy some just for the sake of buying it and sometimes for its purpose.
How To Cut Cost On Repairing Electronic Items
by Ajeet Khurana Posted on: March 25, 2008
As you all know that pace of our life has increased and we want everything to be done quickly. In olden days may be time did not play an important role as much as I does today. Everybody is in a hurry to reach somewhere, to see something.
When is the Next Full Moon, and Will it be Blue?
by Ed Lathrop Posted on: March 23, 2008
We earthlings love to look up at the moon. So much does the moon enamor us; we write movies, songs and poems by the droves that contain the name of the earth's super satellite. A case in point is the fact that one of the biggest selling record albums of all time is Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon.
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