
Experts approve that the global warming is inevitable

Posted by: copyworld    Posted on: April 21, 2007

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Global warming is inevitable as a result of the previous pollution of an atmosphere caused by activity of the human. This is conclusion contained in the expert report on consequences of change of a climate, for life-support systems of people and natural bio-systems.

The document has been approved on the Friday night , on April 06, 2007 in Brussels by the Intergovernmental commission of experts on a climate change which structure includes representatives from more than hundred countries.

According to scientists, today speech was about necessity of struggle against pollution of an atmosphere, and also about protection of the human and natural bio-systems ,against climatic changes which are produced by global warming. Report is approved , after a uneasy procedure. According to local mass-media, the reason of a delay with promulgation of the report which discussion has begun on April, 2nd, became disagreements between scientists and the diplomats, arisen at the statement of the final text of the document which proceeded all last night. According to mass-media, diplomats wished to soften some conclusions of scientists containing in the report.

Scientists expected , that by the end of 21st century the temperature on the Earth can raise up to 1,8 - 4,0 degrees of Celsius in comparison with temperature level in1990. That will lead to thawing polar ices, mountain glaciers and a continental permafrost; the level of the World ocean will raise and the extreme hydro meteorological phenomena will become frequent.

Global warming can lead also to that one billion up to three billions person will start to suffer because of lack of drinking water. Because of a drought a problem with a feed can arise at 200-600 million inhabitants of a planet. The water level at oceans growing as a result of climatic changes, and that will lead to growth of quantity of flooding, first of all, in the countries of Asia. In zones of flooding will annually be approximately 5 million persons.

Besides this ,because of rise in temperature on 1,5 - 2,5 degrees of Celsius, 20 - 30 % of kinds of terrestrial flora and fauna will appear under threat from disappearance.

Experts approve also, that as a result of global warming ,the Alps will lose third of mounting skiing resorts, and the Mediterranean becomes a zone of tropics. For last century the temperature on the Earth has raised ,on the average ,on 0,74 degrees on Celsius. Read more at

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