
Homeschooling Tips For Parents - How To Make Homeschooling Easier

Posted by: Magriet Du Plessis    Posted on: March 18, 2008

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, Terry DashnerI think you will benefit from this story told by author Robert Hastings. Dr. Hastings is a native of Illinois and has written many books with stories which are as good as, or better than, this one. Enjoy. Although Robert Koch proved to the world that diseases are transmitted by microbes or germs invisible to the human eye, it was the French chemist Louis Pasteur who discovered how to use weakened microbes to inoculate against all kinds of infectious diseases.

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Homeschooling, being responsible for the education of your child is not as easy as it may seem. It is true that you have more freedom to schedule your child's schooling, but the responsibility must not be underestimated. For a parent to make the decision to homeschool, means that you as a parent is committed to your child's education and I think you need all the help you can get. Fortunately there are many resources available to help. Here are a few tips that may help make your job as a homeschooling parent a little easier.

* If you have any doubt at all, go to the internet first

The first and most important to look for is the best method to use in your homeschooling. If you are in any doubt at all, look for a better alternative. As far as homeschooling is concerned, you will find almost everything you need on the internet. Do you need something to keep your little one busy while you're working with an older child The internet has coloring sheets galore, as well as worksheets, mazes, and puzzles.

* Choose a complete curriculum

Having a good and complete curriculum makes life that much easier for you as a parent. So, unless you have very particular needs, a complete curriculum will save you money and probably a lot of time.

* Do not be too hard on yourself

You cannot be the perfect teacher, do not expect it of yourself. Unless you are a trained teacher or have a degree in education, you are probably going to make a few mistakes along the way. Learn from your mistakes, put it behind you and carry on doing what is best for your child.

* Teach your children to help themselves

It is impossible for you to know everything. Your child should know that. That does not mean that your children have to be limited by that. Give your children the freedom to follow their interests. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that they learn more on their own than they did while you were more involved.

* Make use of available help

Make sure you are part of a homeschooling support group. You will not have any problem finding one on the internet. When you are in doubt about anything, go to someone that has been homeschooling for a longer period than you. Even though they may not have dealt with exactly what you are dealing with, chances are they will be able to give you advice or point you in the right direction. Take advantage of your homeschooling peers offers of help, there might be a time where you will be able to return the favor.

* Make full use of online communities

As I have mentioned in the point before, finding other homeschoolers on the internet is just a few clicks away. So, even if there is not any homeschoolers close by, you can still seek help from other homeschoolers via the internet. Search online for homeschooling groups or forums. They can be found in every state, and even some outside of the United States. For many of these forums you have to register, but, you can still be as active as you want and remain anonymous. These groups and forums can really be of tremendous help. So, even though homeschooling may not always be a ride in the park, it does not have to be difficult. Make full use of all the available resources and you will probably find all the help you need. Keep in mind the reasons you are doing this and stay positive. Homeschooling can be a wonderful enriching experience for you and your children.

About the Author

Magriet is a work at home "Gran" with sites on family related subjects. Visit her site about homeschooling for vital homeschooling information at you can also get good ideas for crafts at and for fun and easy and very good science fair projects you can visit

Source: Science Articles on

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Homeschooling Tips For Parents - How To Make Homeschooling Easier
Homeschooling, being responsible for the education of your child is not as easy as it may seem. It is true that you have more freedom to schedule your child's schooling, but the responsibility must not be underestimated.

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