
Stars Begin their lives among the Clouds

Posted by: Niel Hudgens    Posted on: September 27, 2007

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Stars can be as bright as absolute magnitude -8 and as faint as absolute magnitude +16 or fainter. Stars begin their lives among the clouds of dust and gas that form a galaxy's Interstellar Medium. Stars and galaxies have been swept into sheets and strings by vast expanding and coalescing bubbles of anti-gravity matter:-. Stars are very far apart (average about 8 light years for the closest dozen), compared to their size (about 2 light seconds for the Sun); by a factor of 250 million or so. Stars come in a wide range of temperatures. Stars perform a delicate balancing act between gas pressure pushing outwards and gravity pulling inwards.


Astronomers believe that some of the other spots, particularly those closer to NGC 362, might actually be a relatively ultraviolet-dim family of stars called "blue stragglers. Astronomers find a star almost as old as the big bang. Astronomers looking for exoplanets are now using gravitational microlensing in their searches. Astronomers have discovered a new "super-Earth" orbiting a red dwarf star located about 9,000 light-years away. Astronomers did not believe that our Sun's environment was particularly unique, or the only planet producer in the universe. Astronomers who constantly monitor dense star clusters have recorded several hundred microlensing events each year since the early 1990's. Astronomers use these collapsed stars as natural laboratories to study how tightly matter can be crammed under the most extreme pressures nature can offer. Astronomers focusing their planet searches on OGLE candidate stars -- the stars most likely to have transiting objects close to them -- have been rewarded. "Astronomers believe that all young stars at this stage of evolution [or development] produce jets.


A star is actually a self-luminous celestial body consisting of a mass of gas that is held together by its own gravity. Infant stars kick, scream, and spew hot gas many light-years into space. According to the authors simulations, the gas would have condensed into long filaments instead, shrinking fastest along their shortest axis due to gravity. The dark matter began to form structures, its gravity pulling in hydrogen, helium and lithium gasses that condensed and formed stars. The colors in the jets represent infrared light: green reveals really hot hydrogen gas, orange shows warm gas, and the wisps of red represent the coolest gas. The gas closest to the hot young-stars is heated most because the high-energy shockwaves collide into these particles with incredible force.

Stars are classified into 'spectral types' according to the shape of this spectrum. Stars are primarily made of hydrogen, smaller amounts of helium, and trace amounts of other elements. Stars twinkle because they are very far away, and so appear as tiny points of light in our night sky. Stars are born, live and die in fiery and fascinating ways--ways that we have only recently been able to study in greater detail, like so many swarming paparazzi, using the long-range lenses created by improved techniques and new, sharper observatories.

About the Author

Niel Hudgens is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information about astronomy and astronomy issues that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Source: Science Articles on

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