
The Many Faces of DNA Fingerprinting

Posted by: Kent Fairbourn    Posted on: May 12, 2006

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The Future of Genetic Genealogy

DNA Fingerprinting has evolved greatly in recent years, to become a highly accurate form of identification. Whether it be Criminal identification or paternal or maternal identification, DNA Fingerprinting is at the forefront of connecting people to the past, present and future.

  • What is DNA Fingerprinting

DNA Fingerprinting relies on the fact that although every human's DNA is identical throughout every cell in their body, it is entirely unique from all other human DNA (with the exception of identical twins). All human DNA has the same basic chemical structure but with a different order of base pairs. These base pairs are combinations of the nucleotides adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine.

To learn more about these nucleotides would not be necessary to understand the basics of DNA Fingerprinting. Their importance can be summed up with the fact due to their large number (many millions in each person) every person's DNA has a unique sequence of them. DNA Fingerprinting is a matter of matching those sequences to another DNA sample. Depending on the sample, scientists can determine if the two samples come from the same person or related people, or if there is no relation at all.

  • What is it used for

We have all seen enough television crime shows and news stories to know that DNA can be used to 'place' an individual at the scene of a crime, or link them to a crime that has been committed. Also, although we may not want to admit it, we have seen enough talk shows to know that DNA can be used for paternity and maternity tests (verifying the actual parents of a child). This is not the limit of what DNA can do.

DNA is now being used to perform DNA Genealogy as well. DNA can prove or disprove your relation to any person. While this is somewhat limited as to how far into the past you can trace relatives, it is definitely the wave of the future. This form of genealogy will quickly surpass the conventional means of storing family history on paper.

While many genealogists do a great job of organizing and preserving their family history on paper it is subject to many risks. Even if the paper records are preserved they are oftentimes riddled with human error and incorrect research. DNA Genealogy does away with the guess work and can be preserved through means that time will not destroy.

About the Author

Kent Fairbourn is a Client Account Specialist for 10x Marketing. Go now Relative Genetics to perform a Free Surname Search and learn more about Genetic Genealogy.

Source: Science Articles on

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