The 90-10 Rule for Quick Weight Loss
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7 Diet Wreckers You Never Knew Existed
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Motivation: The crucial ingredient in your weight loss success
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Three simple rules to lose real weight
People talk all the time about losing weight. Unfortunately, most don't understand that weight per se is not the issue. We shouldn't be concerned about losing weight but more about changing the proportions of fat to lean muscle tissue in the body. There's no doubt that many diets will help you lose weight, at least initially.
Lets make eating for weight loss very simple and basic. If you want to be healthy and lose weight, you need a plan.
Here's the most simple plan you can follow to lose weight without having to follow some weird diet protocol. It's the 90-10 Rule for eating meals and snacks.
Simply put, you are allowed to cheat 10% of the time with each of your feeding. A feeding is a meal or snack. So if you eat 3 meals and 2 snacks each day, you'll have 5 feedings a day. That equals 35 feedings a week. So 10% of that is 3-4 meals. So you're allowed to cheat on 3-4 meals each week and still safely lose weight.
You can cheat with a meal or snack or whatever combination of them that you want. But you're only allowed to cheat 3-4 times a week. The rest of the time you'll need to eat sensibly. Now, eating sensibly means different things to different people. However, I'm sure you can use your common sense and know what's good to eat and what should be avoided.
Basically, since you can cheat 4 times a week, you won't feel like you're suffering on some harsh diet. Lets face it. That feeling of "suffering" is what does good intentioned dieters in all the time.
Now one thing you must also consider. You need to drink healthy drinks. This means all sodas are out, including diet sodas. Milk is out also. You should only drink filtered water, green tea, and or some sort of protein shake mixed in water. Nothing else!
So if you're struggling with your weight and want to lose weight without suffering, give the 90-10 rule a try. You can still eat all of your favorites throughout the week and not feel guilty while losing weight.
About the Author
Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching. Click for your free 19-page report, "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success".
Source: Weight Loss Articles on
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